My smiling hubby hunk.
I know I didn't tell you this, but at my step mom's funeral my Uncle John, Uncle Joe, Rich & myself went to the refreshment room at the funeral home and my Uncle John prayed over me.
He anointed me with oil, began praying for total healing and then speaking in tongues.
As he spoke he began tapping my forehead with oil and tapping my head. I saw bursts of bright light and my eyes were closed.
Then he said..you are healed.. did I believe it YES~~~~
Today my Pet/CT results showed NO cancer in my body..
and that is GREAT.
On January 29th..I will find out about my brain..and I expect all tumors to be gone.
As of today, I have two Zometa IV's left and no more Herceptin. My heart function went down again..so I'll be seeing a Cardiologist next week... BIG DEAL
My oncologist just wants to see what can get it's function back up..she's hoping just
stopping Herceptin will do it. I am in no danger..she's just cautious and I almost
got through the whole year of Herceptin , so I am pleased.
I know without the support of my family and BIG circle of friends I could not
have been this strong.. Each prayer was heard and each caring heart touched mine
So ..onto the joyous Christmas Season with much Faith
May the Peace of Christ & the Joy of God's Gift to us fill your home
and heart.
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