Rich and I are up early. I have blood tests, visit with my oncologist to get my Echo and Pet/CT scan. I'm asking for BIG prayers today . I want the scan to show NO cancer.
I'll be gone most of the day as I have cancer meds by IV today too.
My next brain MRI is the end of January. I'm hoping it's the end of my cancer
journey too.
I've gotten most of the Christmas decor out. I just do a bit each day. I'm still feeling
nauseous most of the time . Good news ..I sleep without sleep aids now
warm coffee on a COLD morning (5 degrees)
friends who take you to appts at the crack of dawn (thanks Sally!!)
a good cheeseburger
my BFF, Marcia has a new grand daughter
SWEET surprises in the mail
hats on a cold bald head
Christmas music
& yours??
I'll be sure to let you all know how today goes
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