We have a guy who is interested in buying our house. We are all sorting out our finance now. I can tell you one thing, the banks are definitely not lending as much. I have been shocked with the amounts I have been quoted. Some are 40 percent less than what they would lend us a year ago! Nothing has changed with our financial situation, we are actually earning more. Hopefully we can get the amount we need!
I have been trusting in a higher power that things will go our way so I have been tossing out heaps of stuff!

The local thrift shops have done well out of me!
Some things I have sold on ebay. The first four images are what I will be listing soon.

I bought this cupcake sign off Jenny recently. Just love her stuff but the exchange rate and postage make her pictures very expensive for me! Jon would die if he knew how much this cost (I will keep that a secret until my death!).

I bought these tea towels from Target. The word didn't make sense to me on the cow tea towel. When I translated it, it actually means "The Slag"! I think this would be the perfect passive aggressive gift for a bovine mother-in-law!

My hubbs, Jon. created this using picnik, my absolute fave photo editing tool.

This is another classic war time slogan. This print is from etsy.

I have decided that I want a blue front door in my next place!

Chair I bought from work. I use it at my computer desk, it is super comfy!
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