My sweet blogging friend Holly did a post earlier this week with an “8” Things Tag. I love this idea as a way to learn more things about your friends. I told Holly that I would grab that tag for myself and share a few things about me with all of you.
So here we go……
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Summer
2. Being able to wear shorts again instead of layers of clothing
3. My twin niece & nephew’s 5th birthday which is on Friday April 17th
4. Shopping for a new mattress and bed (that’s something I will share more on in a later post)
5. A trip to California next summer
6. My next trip to the antique mall (something I always look forward to)
7. Getting a package of new pretties in the mail (more things I ordered from Etsy!)
8. Watching my almost 8 year old niece play softball this summer
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked from home
2. Had an after work snack of tea & cookies (using a pretty pot, teacup and desert plate of course…)
3. Got my haircut
4. Went to the grocery store to get some milk
5. Cut my finger on the sharp edge of a can of fruit
6. Spent some time relaxing and looking through a few new decorating magazines I found at the grocery store.
7. Laundry
8. Talked to my sister on the phone
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Learn to crochet
2. Learn to sew
3. Sing (as in sing well, where people actually want to listen instead of run away!!)
4. Play the piano
5. Figure Skating
6. Speak a foreign language (preferably French)
7. Take a trip to England
8. Have enough money someday to quit my job and open a small tea room & antique shop
8 Shows I Am Currently Watching:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. Little People, Big World
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Oprah
5. Jon & Kate Plus 8
** This list is pretty short and not the 8 it was supposed to be. I haven’t been a real big TV watcher lately as there hasn’t been much on to interest me. I usually end up just channel surfing until something catches my interest or I end up on the computer doing some blog hopping and visiting my blogging friends. To me, that’s much more inspiring than what is on television.
So here we go……
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Summer
2. Being able to wear shorts again instead of layers of clothing
3. My twin niece & nephew’s 5th birthday which is on Friday April 17th
4. Shopping for a new mattress and bed (that’s something I will share more on in a later post)
5. A trip to California next summer
6. My next trip to the antique mall (something I always look forward to)
7. Getting a package of new pretties in the mail (more things I ordered from Etsy!)
8. Watching my almost 8 year old niece play softball this summer
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked from home
2. Had an after work snack of tea & cookies (using a pretty pot, teacup and desert plate of course…)
3. Got my haircut
4. Went to the grocery store to get some milk
5. Cut my finger on the sharp edge of a can of fruit
6. Spent some time relaxing and looking through a few new decorating magazines I found at the grocery store.
7. Laundry
8. Talked to my sister on the phone
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Learn to crochet
2. Learn to sew
3. Sing (as in sing well, where people actually want to listen instead of run away!!)
4. Play the piano
5. Figure Skating
6. Speak a foreign language (preferably French)
7. Take a trip to England
8. Have enough money someday to quit my job and open a small tea room & antique shop
8 Shows I Am Currently Watching:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. Little People, Big World
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Oprah
5. Jon & Kate Plus 8
** This list is pretty short and not the 8 it was supposed to be. I haven’t been a real big TV watcher lately as there hasn’t been much on to interest me. I usually end up just channel surfing until something catches my interest or I end up on the computer doing some blog hopping and visiting my blogging friends. To me, that’s much more inspiring than what is on television.
That's all for today. My life is pretty dull and routine most days and not quite as exciting as some of yours are, so I hope I didn't bore you too much and that you still enjoyed learning a little bit more about me.
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