If you aren’t aware of it by now, my favorite flower has to be the rose and I love collecting pretty pieces of rose patterned china, whether the roses be pink, red, or sometimes even yellow.
My teacup choice to show off this week is one that has both pink and red roses. This pattern is quite bold and is very lovely. Lucky for me, this teacup is one that I am fortunate enough to have a matching teapot, desert plate and even a small tray to make a complete tea service for one.

This week, these lovely ladies are joining in the fun and are also doing a “Teacup Tuesday” post on their own blogs. Please stop by and pay them a visit to see the beautiful teacups they are sharing with us today:
Katie from Rose Breeze Boutique
Melinda from Everything Shabby and Chic
If there are any other ladies who would like to join me in the upcoming weeks, please let me know and I would be more than happy to add you to the list.
Things have been very busy lately so I'm starting to fall a little behind in visiting some of my favorite blogs and adding new posts myself. Don't fret though. Things should be back to normal soon.
Have a great day and as always, thanks for stopping by for a visit. I so loving having visitors and reading all of your sweet comments. They really do a lot to brighten my day!!
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