Hi Girls and Happy Happy Saturday to you all. I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. It feels good for me to finally be able to sit and relax for a bit after a busy and stressful week and try and catch up on some blogging.
I would first like to send out a big Thank You to all of you wonderful ladies who left me such kind comments wishing my Mom a speeding recovery after she fell last weekend and broke her hip and undergoing surgery on Sunday morning.
You will be happy to hear that she is doing extremely well and was able to come home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. As can be expected, she still has very limited mobility at this time but she is able to get around quite well with her walker and things will get better for her each day as she gets her strength back and as her hip heals. For another week at least she will need to have someone with her 24 hours a day so my older sister and I have arranged our work schedules so that one of us with be with her all day next week and at the same time babysitting my nieces and nephew which my Mom normally does. Taking care of Mom is the easy part. Trying to keep two 5 1/2 year olds entertained all day is a whole other story. That's going to be the big challenge . I'll manage though as I've done it before in the past.
Now, on to something pretty of course. Can't do a blog post without that can I?
Last summer at one of the occasional sales I went to, I found this sweet wicker shelf that is supposed to be for hanging on the wall, but I had a small stand in my living room that I thought would work perfectly for setting the shelf on instead to use for displaying some of my different collections. What's fun about this is that it's easy to change up just by replacing the items being displayed. Let's me play house so to speak. At the moment, it's filled with some of my collection of pinks and roses.
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