Hi Everyone..
Just doing a quick post today to share an update with you on my Mom who as I mentioned in my previous post fell on her icy driveway Saturday and broke her left hip.
Her Surgery on Sunday morning went great. She had broken the ball of her left hip so they replaced that as well as her hip socket as the surgeon said most patients tend to do much better after surgery if they replace both at the same time. For the rest of the day Sunday she was pretty tired from the Anesthesia but did very well otherwise.
Today she's doing even better. They've had her up and out of bed, walking the hall this morning with the physical therapist and now she is able to sit in a chair in her room and not lay in her bed all day. She'll have more physical therapy tomorrow and an occupational therapist will also see her tomorrow to teach her things about dressing, bathing and all that fun stuff we tend to take for granted when we don't have broken bones and limited mobility.
It's looking like she'll be discharged on Wednesday and from what it sounds like, she's doing so well that the doctor doesn't think she'll need to go to a rehab center and that she'll be able to go straight home. Hallelujah!!
She'll still need some physical therapy for awhile, but I think they are going to arrange for that to be done at home through a Home Heath Care agency. That will make it much easier for all of us.
Not much else to report for now. I'm exhausted after the stress of these past few days, not sleeping well and having had to work today, so I'm just gonna veg out in front of the TV tonight and do nothing else. I'll try and post again later this week with something more interesting that an update on my Mom.
Have a great week and if it's icy where you are, BE CAREFUL and don't go falling on the ice like my Mom did.
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