And what might that be you ask??
Well it would be a pair of vintage crocheted potholders in my favorite soft muted shade of yellow....
I must admit that I probably have way too many of these crocheted potholders but I just love them as they have so many uses in decorating and because they are so inexpensive, I can feel guilt free when I buy one or two to add to my collection.
I actually had an idea the the other day of a way I would like to display some of my favorites from my collection and that would be to have them framed under glass in a cottage style frame and hung on the wall in my dining room. Just an idea for now and no guarantees that it will happen, but the thought is in my head so we'll see if it ever comes to fruition. If it does, you can be sure I'll share the finished project with you.
I would love to know what sorts of simple, inexpensive things like these crocheted potholder that you love to collect and can't get enough of..
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