More Found Treasures.....

Hello ladies and happy Wednesday to you all. I hope this mid-week day finds you happy and well.

If you were here over the weekend and saw my previous post where I showed a darling vintage wicker sewing box that I had found while out antiquing last week during my vacation, I now have another wicker piece to share with you as well. This one is a wicker tray of sorts with a handle on it and was found in the same antique shop.

It is a very soft faded creamy yellow color, just the shade of yellow that I love. It's extremely hard to get a picture of the true color of it as you can see between these two photos where one is a bit lighter than the other.

For the moment, I have it sitting on a small bookcase that separates my home office space and my laundry room. You can see the washer and dryer in the background and of course, the big old ugly water beige heater as well. Having the bookcase here with some of my pretty things displayed hides a bit of the ugliness on that side of the room. Not enough to my liking, but I'm still trying to figure out a way to block the view while still allowing the light from the southern window on the office side to brighten up the laundry room side as well. I'm thinking maybe a sheer curtain of some sort if I can figure out how to hang it.

And of course, a visit to an antique shop usually isn't complete for me until I find a some new crocheted potholders to add to my already too large collection. This time, I added another pink one and a pretty pale green one as well. They were a bit musty smelling, but I just threw them in the wash inside a small lingerie bag when I got home and then let them air dry and now they smell all fresh and new.

The day after my visit to the antique shops, I stopped in at my local Goodwill store and found a plastic baggie full of lace trims for just $2.00. I'm sure they are new and not antique, but they sure are pretty and I will add these to my collection of "crafting things" to be used someday if that creativity bug ever gets around to hitting me. Until then, I can just admire their prettiness.

Is it sad to say that I am already looking forward to my next vacation so I can do even more antiquing? As I'm sure most of you know, it can be quite addicting and it really is hard to stay away from your favorite antique shops when you know there just might be a new treasure or two waiting for you to come find them and bring them home.


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