having 3 super active sons
(sometimes makes me feel like a circus master)
being so skinny.. those who know me u know..
dealing with a lovely yet childish hubby :P
being the so called smallest big sista in the family
working in a giant company handling over 20 people
dealing with so many types of people everyday - i can end up pulling my hair!
waking up early n sleeping super late
travelling very far and taking all the risk to get new stocks everymonth
dealing with liars, bitches etc everyday... yeah u can consider me one if u wish too aswell..hehe
having great hair loss due to counting all the budgets, earnings and sometimes lossess
and yet
i still wake up every morning
and continued doing this
you know why??? look further below

coz there are much more KIND HEARTED people out there who supports me
you guys are not just customers
but my sisters, my friends...
thank you angie for the new suprising email with the new header
i never had any time to do one
thank you for being so thoughtfull to help me out
without even needing to ask me.. you knew i need 1
(that proves how ugly my current header is .. hehe)
and of course
its for all of you who always are very passionate of opening my blog and viewing the pictures so patiently and buying it most of the time
i apologize if sometimes i am a bit lost or if ur shipment arrives late
or maybe things are not as u expected..
thank you again
God Bless The World
Earth Hour 27th March 2010 - be one!
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