Tuesday was turning out to be a good day. I had vowed
on Monday not to do work the next day. Rich even
made Monday's dinner.
At about 2 PM on Tuesday..I made iced tea, grabbed my current read
and went to the deck to do some reading. I reached to get my book
off the patio table after I'd gotten situtuated. My hand looked
a mile away. Things got a weird aura around them. I spoke out loud
to myself trying to figure what was going on.
I can't believe the gibberish I heard myself speaking. I was aware I was
thinking right, but not saying real words..and couldn't make a sentence.
I came in the house and hit the caller ID on our phone to get Rich.
He said ..if there was no caller ID on his cell he would never known
who it was . He kept asking me what was going on..I tried to respond
but the gibberish kept coming. He finally said to me he was calling
the ambulance. He was towns away.
I then called Nicole, my oldest daughter ..she YELLED at me. Thought I
was fooling around. I couldn't talk righ but finally told her Rich
called 911. She came right over, stayed with me until ambulance , fire and police
Long story short here , I was in the ER Triage from 3 PM to 1 AM
did blood tests, MRI and decide it was a T I A, mini stroke ..that comes, goes, and
heals itself.
So for now..a baby aspirin to thin my blood a bit,(doc says cancer and treatment can thicken your blood) & anti seizure med every day,
see a neurologist..my neosurgeon and my primary care doctor and my oncologist.
If anything like this happens again, I must get to the ER
Oh what a night!
Slept in today then my BFF brought lunch and I went to bed about 3 hours and
Rich came home. My head doesn't even hurt today.. Thank you God.
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