Awful day yesterday, I spent most of it crying. The crux is we nearly lost our bad boy Tom, pictured above when he was a kitten.
Our Tommy is a bit of a thief, he has been jumping the fence and stealing food from other cats. I don't know what happened but he came home with a broken leg and abrasions.
Then a horrible experience with a vet, I should have known better, their phone number had 666 in it! He wanted to charge $1000 to fix the leg. Plus he was going to charge me $300 for looking at Tom, x-rays and anesthetic. When I said to him to call me before doing anything!
Well I went down there and cried my eyes out and got it reduced to $50. And brought Tom home. I was feeling pushed to either pay for an expensive operation or put him down.
I have given him a homeopathic remedy and it seems to be helping. He is eating and putting more weight on the leg.
I am saying lots of prayers for my cuddly, psycho cat.
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