Okay, a few days late but I just can't get my sh!t together this week.
I have been organising stuff for the kids going back to school next week. I covered some of their scrapbooks today. Lucas has Star Wars contact on his and Laetia has Disney Princess!
The swap meet was pretty good on Sunday. It was funny when I got it all home that I realised that I had followed a green theme!
The little green girl is a bell, a vintage Japanese porcelain. It goes well with my prayer ladies and I also have a pink and a blue one of these little girls.
The green glass vase is depression glass and the plate is J & G Lilac time - a classic.
The bottle jug and bowl is vintage Avon - I already have one of these so this one is for ebay. Mine is in my bathroom and is just the right shade of shabby green.
The green lidded pot is for honey or jam originally and is another piece of old Japanese ceramic. I have a similar one in my kitchen in lemon yellow. Yellow and green are just so delicious together, how could Mother Nature be wrong?!
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