I don't know if I should stitch some more on it or if I should go through some of my stash and start something new. I've been dying to start something new but now that the room is done I don't know LOL. I forgot how my rotation goes so I'll have to search my blog to find out. Do I go back to Sampler Farm or do I get to start something new? Regardless of what it is I don't think I'm going to follow it. Stitching is suppose to be fun and I shouldn't have to follow any "rules." I don't know how people do it but hats off to them. After I post this I'm going to get rid of the list on the sidebar, those are things I wanted to stitch then not now LOL.
The weekend was sort of nice. We saw OAR at Madison Square Garden yesterday. They always put on a good concert. It was ruined by some irresponsible drinkers though who ruined it for us responsible drinkers so they had to stop selling beer and drinks because of some people passing out, I love a buzz during concerts so I was a bit miffed! No pictures of the concert because my battery died and I had no time to charge it. It was better without a camera because I wasn't concentrating on taking pictures and recording. Next confirmed concert is Bloc Party *my all time fav* we're still looking for something before then but so far nothing.
I was suppose to go get a tattoo today with my cousin but it was rescheduled for next Monday. I guess it gives me more time to think of it and make sure it's what I want.
Well I'm going to start something new. TTFN!
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