Niki has tagged me in the reveal six weird things about yourself caper. Now, I am not very keen to do this as I may be revealed as the nutter I truly am!
Niki, I think everyone in Blogland has been tagged so this ends right here, right now (throws down gauntlet.)
1. I was an extra in a movie shot here in Perth which starred Naomi Watts. Everything of me was cut out except a lovely shot of my bare legs. I had gorgeous legs then, sigh. Naomi Watts is tiny, shorter than me and I am only 5 ft 3".
2. I have an addiction to smutty gossip, the smuttier the better! You can see a few links on my side bar, these are the tamer ones! I should be too grown up for this now, I know. People tend to get shocked. What is common knowledge in the Blog world? Not so much in real life.
3.I am afflicted with a severe case of potty mouth. I am constantly having to watch myself around people in case a "F" or much, much worse comes out. Some of the mums of my kids friends let slip with an "F" occasionally and they always apologise and I just think &*$@$ *&* $%#$@! - if you only knew!
Am getting bored of this tonight, so will post the other three soon. Is that a weird thing? My attention span is very short, a little ADD I think.
More importantly, Cath Kidston's new Spring range is out! I am just gasping with complete avarice here! You can go to her site by clicking on the title of this post.
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