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For some reason I can't title this post so let me just say "I made a pinkeep!"
It's not the greatest, it still needs a bit more tweaking but since I go back to work today I'll show you a picture of what I have and what I "think" is wrong with it and hopefully later on I'll show you a picture of the tweaked version :-)
It wasn't hard to actually put together I used these instructions and like Meari I used hot glue instead of Tacky Glue. I only used 2 pieces of batting for the middle since I didn't want mine too fluffy. I like my pinkeep because I made it but what I don't like and think I'll change is the border. I'll go buy some ribbon or cording to put around it instead of the little piece of the backing fabric that I used and I also think I need bigger pin heads. I planned on using ribbon in the beginning but the ribbon I bought was too thin to use as a border and the bigger ribbon I had didn't match my backing fabric. If anyone has any more suggestions on how to make it better feel free to comment :-)
I haven't been doing much stitching...on my days off I've been going out. We went to the musuem Friday and Thursday I was so drained from working all those days that I slept and at night played Guitar Hero with my cousin. Yesterday Kelly switched his days to work and we went to my stitch-in in Jersey. I had fun but what stitcher doesn't have fun at a stitch in??? Kelly picked up something else to stitch, he's cute sometimes. I saw him fingering the floss when I went out to look at some stash and last night when I went to make my pinkeep he pulls out a project. I think next stitch-in if he comes I'm going to make him stitch with us LOL. I think the only reason he tries to stitch is that he sees things that he'd like to stitch for me and tries almost never gets done but it's the thought that counts no? Anyway here's my update on Herb Garden, I'll stitch some more on it today before my nap and hopefully on the train.
This is actually something I'm going to stitch twice. The second piece I'm going to alter but as I write this I think I've mentioned it before so I'll stop. I may leave this one alone to go stitch on the other one because it's a gift and I'd like to have it done before the deadline. I'm off to clean up, I've been just throwing my stash in a pile and it's starting to bother me that's it's all over the place. You know what, I don't feel like cleaning anymore so it will just have to wait LOL only because I want to sort through my stuff and give some of it away. I'm instead going to make the pile look nicer and change the bed sheets and then stitch - sounds like a much better plan :) TTFN
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