It shows up small on my screen hopefully you can click on it and see it bigger - but there it goes. The changes I made are as follows: I used a brighter color for the fabric, I think it's Yellow 18ct Cork Linen. Since I changed the fabric I had to change the yellow of the sun since the color it called for (Crushed Pineapple) would have gotten lost. I, instead, used Golden Star, which is more orangy. The pink it called for was also changed (Organza Pink.) Since everything was coming out brighter and that one was more pastel I went with Little Peony Pink - it's not as bright as I wanted but I like how it looks so I didn't go crazy looking for a replacement. I inverted 3 of the flowers so that the bright pink would be on the outside and the light pink would be on the inside. Same thing with the small pink buds on the bottom. I long stitched the stems of the smaller flowers - I at first did it with the larger flowers but didn't like it so I just backstitched those. And I left out the charm and stitched the bee and added another bee next to the first "S." I did order the button pack and when that comes in I'm going to add the lady bugs and flower buttons to see how it looks but I'll leave the bees out. I kinda like my stitched bees. Oh and two of the bees have mistakes on them, the line is suppose to go across the body but I didn't realize I made them up/down and didn't feel like frogging for something so small. Plus it just happened to be every other bee so it looks like I did it on purpose LOL.
I'm going back to stitching on Awake the Dawning Day I think. I did get my partner for the Fair and Square Friendship Exchange but so far I don't know what to stitch and will keep on looking. It's hard stitching for other people, there's always that fear that your stitching isn't good enough or what if the other person doesn't like it.
Well I'm gonna go. We found this casino that will allow people 18 and over gamble and since one of my close cousins is only 20 we figured we'll go tonight to check it out. I hope we don't come home too late, working all those days really kicked my ass. My legs hurt as well as my back. It's not going to get easier either since I'm assigned to one of the heaviest districts this month. I hate getting assigned...I feel so trapped and it depresses me that I have to stay in one place all month. *Sigh*
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