While waiting for the floss for leaves in Betsy's Butterfly I started the new Shepherd's Bush Freebie Scatter Sunshine. I love Crescent Colours now! They are like the greatest LOL. I changed the color of the fabric to a brighter yellow and the sun instead of being Crushed Pineapple is Golden Star. I'm also going to change some of the little flowers because Organza Pink may be too pale, we'll see. Maybe next week I'll be done with this one and I can go back to Awake the Dawning Day. This piece is actually easy to stitch on the train and that's where the majority of my stitching has taken place. Maybe not so much this weekend since I have to take an alternate route which requires me to take 3 trains. The actual time spent on the train isn't enough to take out my stitching but it takes me longer to get to work and with that steam pipe blowing up I don't know what's the status of the trains this weekend *ugh*

Tonight is the Harry Potter Book 7 release party...sadly I work so I won't be able to attend. The kid in me tells me that I should call out sick but the adult tells me I should save my sick days for when I'm really sick. The adult wins because I'll be going to work tonight *sigh* Kelly is picking it up for me and I'll get it from him Saturday morning, if he didn't work I'd ask him to drop it off for me at work after he picked it up LOL yes I'm that fanatical about it. Well actually if I was such a fanatic I'd call out...hmmm. No, I'm going to work - the sick people need me hehe :-)
I'm going to shower for work (I have to wash my hair or else I'd go stitch) but before I leave here's one last picture of one of my favorite gals. When I sleep I'm covered up but whenever I wake up only my feet are covered and I'm shivering (we sleep with the thermostat at 67-70) and here's the reason why. How she wraps herself in the blankets I guess I'll never know.

*EDITED* I forgot to mention that I joined the Fair and Square Exchange and am excited!!! Can't wait to start stitching, receive, and make new stitchy friends! :-)
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