So I haven't won a million dollars yet but I am working on it! It has been working for all my thrifting though! I have found amazing things lately.
Look at this haul from the Sunday swap-meet!
Plates, tureen and trio from the Alfred Meakin "Elegance" dinner set that I collect. The first time I have ever seen this pattern in "real" life.
Also a pretty green enamel bowl painted with pink roses, my two fave colours and fave flower!
The next two books in the "Shopaholic" series which I have been dying to read. Every time I have gone to buy them at the shops they have been out of stock or I don't have any spare cash.
Beautiful vintage tray with lots of roses!
The "Kai und Mia" book is a quirky gift for my brother, Kai.
I was over the moon when I spotted this thermos. Brand new and only $3! I collect these, I think this is number six.
And I couldn't believe it when I got these salt and pepper shakers, they are wooden and just the shade of pink I love!
The wicker mirror is a great shade of pink too. Probably needs to be repainted but who can complain for fifty cents?
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