Oh my hubby is ill with that nasty
virus that is going around.
He started getting it yesterday morning &
now, it's really got him.
We are in separate beds, separate rooms
& it's not fun, but I don't need to get this.
Please pray he'll be better QUICK & that
if I get it, it's mild.
I am about to take a TV watching/nap..
I feel VERY good, no anti nausea pills since Friday.
Joys today
separate bedrooms when we are sick
Campbells' chicken noodle soup for me
tulips peeking out of the ground
daylight savings time
a kitty who naps with me
talking with Church
an I Love You phone call from my BFF Marcia
my potted tulips are blooming
living at the edge of the Singing Woods
fun graphics from Graphic Pretties
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