Just want you all to know
my fever is gone, I feel a bit
better, but I'm going to be in
bed all day.
I had to
reschedule my appointment (a 3 month follow up)
with Dr. Mammolito, my Breast Cancer Surgeon.
I just can't go out.
My Joys Today
a white blood count of 29,900
eating TWO pieces of toast with REAL butter & strawberry jam
being able to take all my meds
clean bed linens
a new satin pillowcase
being able to post on my blog
how awesome it is that I don't work outside the home
warmer temps, with signs of Spring popping up outside the window
feeling good enough to watch TV
hubby was able to go back to work today
my son, Steve, calling to say, "you're cute mom & I love you"
my youngest daughter, Mercedes calling because she's doing her OWN taxes
my oldest daughter, Nicole calling and talking to my grandson Cole
Please share you joys too
I'll be resting up, I'll not be able to visit for a while, but I'll be thinking & praying
fondly, Deena
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