Our Reserve Bank is trying to lower inflation by decreasing the amount of money consumers have to spend. We are all being told to basically, stop shopping! But hello! I work in retail. If people stop spending, I am out of a job as are thousands of others!
The house values in Perth are dropping. That is great for us as buyers, but not so good as sellers. Still, the average house price is around $500K in Perth. We are seriously thinking about moving to another state.
Tasmania and Victoria are our best bets. I am planning to go to Tasmania in July to check it out.

Tom thinks our house belongs to him. He may have a point, he gets away with murder. I screamed at him to get off the computer and this is what he did...

Turned his back on me!

This cake stand is now entirely filled with china trinket box cupcakes. You can see in the photo one last faux cupcake at the top but it has since been replaced!

I now officially hate my new camera. My old 4 megapixel Kodak took better photos than this Richoh piece of crap. Biggest mistake ever. I am sticking with Kodak next time.
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