I started using a random number generator
online ..to save my arm.
I wish I know how to show it here!!
Nonnie, please email me through my profile
& send me your mailing info.
Thanks to EVERYONE who entered.
I'm breaking for the weekend now!!
My Joys
hubby brought home potted tulips for ME
hubby is home for the weekend
feeling good even with chemo
daylight savings time
reading "One for the Money"
bubble baths at night
talking to Mary on the phone today
Please share your joys too
I've been praying about blogging
My purpose is to help others with my
blog, not just in cancer, but in faith,
friendship..whatever God wants.
I am not looking for sympathy or
gifts...just to share what life can bring,
how precious it is
& pass on things I've learned.
I truly feel
my cancer started many years ago as an
"excess tissue growth" which was
poo pooed by the doctors I trusted.
I WISH they would have biopsied it years ago.
FEEL those breasts, be your own advocate &
love God & God's children.
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