It's here !!!

Ladies, say Hello to my new bed....

Sorry about the bad quality of the pictures on these first two pictures. First the lighting was too bright with the sun coming in the window in the early afternoon and the picture looks a little fuzzy, then the pictures I took later came out dark. Oh well, at least you get the idea of what my new bed looks like.
I love it already and I haven't even had a chance to sleep in it yet. I am so looking forward to crawling into my new bed tonight and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my back will like having a firm mattress to and that I won't wake up with a sore back in the morning.
I prettied up the bed with a new pale pink bedskirt and some pretty pink sheets with a small rose print from the Rachel Ashwell "Simply Shabby Chic" line at Target.

Topping those off is a gorgeous for real Shabby Chic duvet cover. I purchased the Shabby Chic duvet cover years ago but was never able to use it as it was too small for my king size waterbed. Up until today, I've been storing it and the duvet in my closet. I am so happy that I am finally able to use it. It's still shorter than I would like on the sides and on the end as it barely comes down to the level of the box spring and I wish it was about 2 or 3 inches longer on each side, but I can live with it and I just love how pretty it looks on the bed.

One idea I had to better hide the areas where the mattress and box spring meet is to add another layer to the bedding. I think what I will do is look for some king size white sheets (hopefully with some ruffled edges) that are longer and wider than the duvet cover so that they will come down farther on the sides and on the end of the bed and I will layer them between the regular sheets on the bed and the duvet cover so there is more of a three tiered look to the bedding. I've seen it done in magazines and I think it should work.
Now that I have a much smaller bed, I have quite a bit more open space in the room. On the left side of the bed where before I had maybe a foot and a half of space between the side of the bed and the wall, I now have much more space to move around and I was even able to fit in a sofa side table that I found last fall in an antique shop to use as a second night stand and I also put a chair along that wall. Remember seeing this chair before? I found this cute chair for $5 in an antique shop this past winter and I showed it in one of my older posts. It was in my office being used for extra seating if I had visitors, but I moved it upstairs as I thought it would fit in perfectly with the Shabby Chic look I have created for my bedroom.

The only "ugly" parts of this room now are my old dresser and nightstand which are still the dark wood. My dream is to someday switch them out for some white or cream colored pieces to lighten up the look of the room even more. I have some ideas on what I can find to use for a nightstand and I will be keeping my eyes out for it when I am in the antique and thrift shops, but the dresser is going to be a little harder to replace.

I'll let you know in a few days if the new bed is making my back feel better and if it's easier for me to get up in the morning and start moving around without my back feeling like it could go out on me at any minute.
Have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend. I'm just going to be hanging out at home for the most part, probably admiring my new bed all weekend, but will be over at my Mom's tomorrow for a picnic. More than likely, I will also end up at one or two different antique shops or thrift shops over the long weekend where maybe I will find just that right piece of furniture to use for a new nightstand... :-)
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