Hello my sweet friends.
Ask me if I'm crazy, but don't be surprised if I say YES..... LOL
I'm feeling a little bit like I've been stuck in a rut the past few weeks and other than my "Teacup Tuesday" posts, I'm having a hard time coming up with some new and fun things to blog about. So being the crazy girl I am, I thought I would snap a few pictures of some of the things I have on top of my refrigerator and share them with all with you.

See that pretty teapot that now holds a bouquet of flowers? Sadly, it's missing it's lid. In all of the years that I have collected teapots and teacups and other bits and pieces of china, only once has something been broken and that one thing was the lid to this teapot. It happened in the most ordinary way. I had used the teapot to make a pot of tea and as I was washing the lid to the teapot, I dropped it in sink and it shattered into a hundred little pieces... SOB!!!

How sad is it that I almost started crying when it happened? Maybe not so sad when I tell you that I feel like these teapots of mine are almost like friends because they bring so much comfort and joy into my life and to have one break like it did was almost like having my heart broken a little bit.
There's that crazy part of me coming out again. Maybe this love of collecting I have really is a sickness and maybe I really need some help. What do you think??
Now, just because I feel like it and because I'm feeling a little generous today, I think it's time to have my first giveaway. See the pretty little red and white saucer below. It is stamped with Spodes "Camilla" Copland England on the bottom. I have a two extras that never get used and are for the most part kept tucked away in my china hutch. I think that it's time that they come out and find a new home where someone new can appreciate them too.

Good luck my lovely friends...
Have a great weekend!!!
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