Happy Saturday Everyone...
I hope you all had a wonderful week and that you are finding time now to enjoy the weekend and hopefully some beautiful spring weather where you are. We've had some very nice days of weather this past week for the most part, but on Friday we received some much needed rain. The weekend sounds like it will be dry but somewhat on the cool side with temperatures in the mid sixties.
I wanted to say a big Thank You to all of you sweet ladies who left me such kind comments wishing me a Happy Belated Birthday. Your good wishes mean the world to me as does your friendship.
Not to leave you without some eye candy during your visit, I must share with you a few pictures of a gorgeous little china pitcher that I found several weeks ago during one of my antiquing jaunts. This pink beauty with the lovely roses was just sitting quietly there on the shelf patiently waiting for me to find it and bring it home with me.

That sweet little boy in the picture next to my lovely new rose pitcher is my handsome nephew Hunter (his picture was taken a little over a year ago and he is now a much bigger "5" year old)

It has no stamp on the bottom, but I'm guessing that it was either made in Germany or Bavaria as those countries seem to have manufactured some of the prettiest china pieces I have found in the past.
I could sit for hours just admiring my display of rose patterned china and other pretties. I wonder what I would ever do if a fire, tornado or some other natural disaster were to destroy my home someday. I honestly think it would send me into a deep depression if I were to lose all of the wonderful and irreplaceable things I have collected in my lifetime.
Am I the only one who thinks like this and feels this way about impersonal things that are just objects and really have no meaning in the bigger scope of life, or am I crazy? I know people lose things all of the time in natural disasters all over the world and life does go on for them, but it's so hard to imagine anything like that happening to me. Do any of you feel the same way that I do? I would love to know what your thoughts are.
Enough of my rambling thoughts for today. Take care my sweet friends and have a lovely weekend. And for all of you mother's out there, I wish you a very Happy Mothers Day!!
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