Remember this pretty little creamer I recently found in an antique shop?

Well, now it has a companion piece of a much larger size. Not having anything else to do today, I decided to visit one of my favorite antique shops where I found this gorgeous 12 inch plate that has the same beautiful yellow rose and purple flower pattern as that of my pretty little creamer.

Here's a closer view of the floral details....

Once again, I feel so lucky when I find such beautiful things at affordable prices.
Blogger was giving me fits as I was doing this post as it was not letting me move my pictures around within my post to get them in the order that I wanted them to be. Urrrgggg......
After fighting with it, I finally got them in the order that I wanted them, but it took much longer to get this post ready than it should have. I hope this is only a temporary problem. Have any of you been having the same problems????
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'll be back again on Tuesday for "Teacup Tuesday". If there are any new ladies who would be interested in joining this event, please send me an Email with your blog link and I will add you to my list and include your blog link within my Teacup Tuesday post.
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