The first reason that I'm feeling lucky is that two fellow bloggers whom I've only just been introduced to recently have kindly awarded me a wonderful blog award.

Barbara @
Mary @
From the research that Mary did, the words translate to "This Blog is A Dream". I am very honored that both of these kind ladies think so highly of my blog that they felt I was deserving of this award. Thank you Barbara and Mary for sharing this wonderful award with me.
I am supposed to pass this award on to ten other bloggers, but it is so hard for me to choose which ones as all of your blogs are wonderful and I feel guilty over possibly hurting someones feelings by leaving them out, so I am going to pass this award on to all of my regular visitors. If you accept awards on your blog, please accept this one on my behalf and add it to your blogs. I want all of you too feel as blessed as Barbara and Mary have made me feel.
Another thing that has made me feel very lucky this week is that I was chosen as one of the lucky winners of the wonderful giveaway that Debi @ did in honor of her own birthday. This was my first time ever in winning a blog giveaway and I'm thrilled to bits.
Debi drew my name for this sweet cupcake book, sprinkles and cupcake papers. How cute!! I'll admit I'm no baker, but I'm sure I'll have fun testing out some of the yummy receipies and looking at all of the pictures of cupcakes.

My fellow bloggers are some of the kindest and most generous people I know....
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