Just before my second Gamma Knife Surgery
on Oct 20th 2009, exactly one year after I
completed my Whole Brain Radiation
Rich and me in IRELAND on our dream vacation
to Italy & Ireland (Sept and Oct of 2009) ..I even got my hair cut in Venice

Keeping warm in the winter of 2008/2009

Going to the Cancer Center for my LAST Whole Brain Radiation
Oct. 20, 2oo8

This is how long my hair got AFTER chemo and BEFORE Whole Brain Radiation

Me as my hair begins to grow back the second time after WBR

Me during chemo therapy

Me after Whole Brain Radiation

My grandson Cole on left, me and my grandson Joe
after my mastectomy.
My dog Hannah, me and my oldest daughter Nicole
before my mastectomy
Hello everyone.
Today marks my 2 year survivor of
Breast Cancer. I was diagnosed with
Stage 4 Lobular and since
then I have slowly made progress .
I had a mastectomy on my right breast (and a tram flap reconstrustion) with removal of 39 lymph nodes on Dec. 12, 2007, chemo therapy starting 2/2008, following by radiation on
my right side and clavical. In the midst of this I developed Brain Mets and had Gamma Knife surgery in July of 2008. After the Gamma Knife surgery I developed more brain tumors
and had Whole Brain Radiation, 20 treatments. I've lost my hair twice .
I've been getting better and in October of 2009 I developed more brain tumors
and again had Gamma Knife Surgery to remove them. Each treatment was
successful. My body should be cancer free now..as all they saw was
the brain tumors..and those should be eradicated with the Gamma Knife I had
last week.
With God, there is ALWAYS hope.. My doctor says I'm a miracle. I say
" I am prove of God's miracle"
Thank to ALL of you who have prayed, cared, sent me love cards and gifts
and hope. I cherish each friend I've made. I hope sharing so openly
has helped some of you. I was the first in my family to have
cancer and didn't know any women who I could talk to who had
been through this. I do now and it is a blessing!!

In 2008 I lost my dad and my step mom within three months
and this year in June our sweet Collie Hannah passed away.
Yet in all this turmoil I continue to be blessed. I am stronger
in my faith, closer to my grown childen , my grandsons, my true friends and
my marriage is the best it's ever been. I consider cancer a
blessing. IT has made me a kinder and gentler Deena.
Fondly, Deena
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