The blog belongs to a lady who lives in Malaysia and the blog is not written in English, but paying a visit just to see all the pink pretties is well worth your time. The pictures speak for themselves.
The blog name is SUESAFIA'S COTTAGE and this is the link:
Here's just a sample of the pink goodness you'll see (I hope she doesn't mind me "borrowing" a picture from her blog to share with you...)

Once you get there, you will find several other Malaysian blog links as well that are also worth paying a visit to as these Malaysian girls sure love their pink and Shabby Chic decor. Goes to show you that us American girls aren't the only ones.
It appears that she has an online shop as well, but I'm guessing she doesn't ship to the USA. Maybe that's a good thing though or I'd probably find myself spending lots of money and all the cute things I see.
See you tomorrow for "Tea Things Tuesday"...
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