Hello my sweet friends and welcome to the latest addition of "Tea Things Tuesday". I am so glad that you have stopped by for a visit today.
I would like to begin by sending out a special hello and welcome to the newest participant's that have joined us over the past few weeks.
Today, I am bringing a little dose of sunshine into your day by sharing with you my collection of Welbeck Chintz. It wasn't so very long ago that I shared the teacups with you as part of Teacup Tuesday, but now you get a chance to see my entire collection, as small as it may be.
This collection started many years ago when I purchased the Welbeck Chintz teapot when it was offered for sale as a limited edition piece through "Victoria" magazine....
Of course, I couldn't buy just the teapot. I had to have a couple of teacups to match, so I bought two teacups as well. The luncheon plates were added later when I discovered them in a local discount store (either TJ Maxx or Marshall's. I can't remember which).
That's all I have to share today. To continue on your journey of seeing more pretty tea things, please visit the blogs of these wonderful ladies to see what they will be sharing with us today.
Mary @ http://marysteacottage.blogspot.com/
The Duchess @ http://roseteacottage.blogspot.com/
Rebecca @ http://bellemaisonshop.blogspot.com/
Candace @ http://wraggedypatches.blogspot.com/
Lola @ http://ansewon.blogspot.com/
Valerie @ http://travelingthrough2.blogspot.com/
** I'd like to send out a special thank you as well to "M" at Tales from an OC Cottage (http://talesfromanoccottage.blogspot.com/) for allowing me to borrow the pretty button she created for "Tea Things Tuesday".
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