My BFF Marcia, her husband, Rhea sent this to me,
it's was labeled
I love nature..God is there, if you look, you KNOW
He IS..

I'm getting ready to make breakfast for supper. I love breakfast food sometimes
in the evenings. The boys..Rich and his dad, are having chilli and egg buritos.
I am having some oatmeal with cranberries..and toast.
My breast is hurting all the time the last few days..and the lump feels
bigger. I can see swelling under my arms where the nodes are. It
is scaring me. I'm going to call Dr Denise, but I am sure
there is nothing to do or worry more about. In two weeks, at
this time of day.. 5PM..I should be all down with surgery.
I told Rich NOT to leave me that day, cuz when I wake up, he
will be the one to tell me how many nodes had to go. He's
going to stay the night with me that night at the hospital too.
In the days ahead, I plan to stay BUSY and reduce stress as much
as I can.
Rich has plans to move his dad ..just him and his personals...on the
weekend before my surgery. The place he is going will keep him
on a month to month lease for 4 months. This is a huge burden
lifted , it will help us to concentrate on only me. His dad isn't
ill, just not able to do some things that make it impossible
for him to live alone.
I cried tonight cuz I am scared , and Rich says he is too. Of course
he is handling MY cancer, better than I could handle him with cancer.
This is the first time, I got this dread feeling that I may not
make it ..I'll pray for this feeling to pass. I don't need any MORE stress.
Good news today from my BFF Marcia..all the tests are back from her
surgery and ALL clear..Praise GOD!! I need her to love me for
lots of centuries.
I need some EXTRA prayers please.
fondly, Deena
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