I can't believe it's been eight days since I received my diagnosis.
I feel good & have been keeping busy. Yesterday during our
errand running, I did get a scrapbook . Tis PINK!! I want to
keep track of my journey, with thoughts , pictures & momentos.
I've gotten some greeting cards in the mail...they so cheer one up
just to know someone thinks to send a card.
I got some great Brighton earrings too,
here they are
I painted more shutters today, worked on a new website & moved
the guest bed into Mercedes old room. She's my youngest & moved out
in July. Now it doesn't look so empty , but I still have the empty nest, (it's
in my heart) I've been a mom with kids for 35 years & this is quite an
adjustment. I am glad my kids are grown and on their own, I can't imagine
how hard it would be to be a young mom struggling with breast cancer.
Hubby went out on his motorcycle today ..I hadn't realized how much he'd
been staying at home to be with me until he was gone today. I'm glad he
felt comfortable enough to leave me at home .
I have a new internet friend, Mollye, she's been emailing me daily
& she's just so sweet. Her emails bring me a ray of sunshine. I find
it amazing how God puts people in your life JUST when you need them.
Sometimes they need you, sometimes you need them, but God always knows.
We "fell back" this weekend & I am so tired I going to get my PINK jammies
on & grab my body pillow..snuggle under to comforter & read a bit of my
book "Mercy" before I fall asleep.
I'm hoping for a peaceful night with no night fears or bad dreams.
night all, Deena
PS..I forgot, I took a picture of "Sugar" today..my
horse friend down the lane. He wouldn't come see me
today like last Sunday, but he did look when I called for him
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