My grandsons, Cole , age 6 & Caleb, age 4 are here.
When they got here , Cole asked me to come upstairs
to my room with him. He said he had a present for
me and just wanted to be alone with me....so
up the stairs we go. Cole puts his hand in his coat
pocket and pulls it out..... with a button, that you
can wear on your shirt or coat.
It said
"Cancer Sucks"
I looked into his sweet face and just started to cry..he said.."it
does suck gramma cuz it's in there eating away at your nutrition & your muscles."
What a sweet boy he is..his mom didn't even know he had it.
After dinner, the boys played doctor..and I heard them say.."no
I don't see any breast cancer"
OH I just laughed..how funny. We havetalked openly with them & Cole is anxiously awaiting 12/12when "my gramma won't have cancer anymore"
My hearts swells with so much love
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