First I want to share a picture...
This is my sweet dog Hannah..she's a smooth collie, the smooth and rough collies (ones with long hair) come out of the same litter. She's 12 years old, the best dog in the world
and my baby!! We have a fat kitty too..I'll share her later..
Tis official..Rich & I will be going to see Dr. Mammolito ONE week from today.
We'll have a nice chat & the surgery date will be set. I started reading my "Pink Book"
last night. I think this BLOG is healthy for me & I hope it will help others.
Hubby got a book in the mail today "Helping Your Mate Face Breast Cancer"
I must say he's mostly a great husband, but he's been even better lately, if that
is possible.. Kelly, sent the book for him when I told her he was in denial.
I got The Primitive Gathering updated last eve..then read a bit of the book
I've been reading for a couple of weeks. "Mercy" ..tis the story of
a man who killed his wife..she asked him to because she was tired of
fighting breast cancer. I began this book before I knew ..but it's lots
of stories around the story..and it's a good read by Jodi Picoult.
I stayed up later than usual..but the night fears got me about 4.30 AM.
I woke hubby up, and we talked for a half hour, then I got up to make coffee
and start the day.
I wathched a movie "Zodiac" it was very well done. Then I took a teeny nap
& painted some shutters.
Tonight is quiet, I am still waiting to talk to my
youngest daughter..I hope we talk soon.
Thank you to all of
you who have emailed, called, sent snail mail, and left comments..
Friends are so important and I love my internet friends too!!
They make me SMILE!!
fondly, Deena
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