Yesterday Rich and I went to lunch, I painted a coat
on the shutters and then we watched a movie
from 2006..
Beowulf & Grendel
Today I went to see "Martian Child" with John Cusack
it was a wonderful heart warming film..I think I fell in
love with John Cusack today..his roll was GREAT
and the story was TOUCHING. About a man who
adopts a boy..I can't tell you anymore ..as you need to see it!!
I went two friends who use to work at the bank with me. One friend, Patty
I hadn't seen for 3?? maybe 4 years..and we use to be so close.
The other friend, Cindy
has always kept in touch AND she always makes me laugh.
We went for a light lunch and began asking questions about
my breast cancer, which I am glad to answer.
It was so good to be with friends who know you so well.
I received an email with a photo from one of my internet friends today , with her
sweet granddaughters, it was so sweet and I just smiled at my friend and the girls.
Lately I've reflected on friends, and how some mean so much to you
and yet, they seem to be too busy to take time to call or email.
Any friend that I loose , I grieve for..and lately I have been
trying to deal with the loss of a group of friends.
Each friend meant so much .. I pray that God helps me deal with
the loss of a handful of friends..and helps me to let them go. I also
pray I treat everyone with God's love.
I have been quite melancholy tonight, I just need to rest my mind
and wake up to another day tomorrow.
I'll be going for all my pre surgery tests tomorrow & the plastic surgeon
visit after that. I'm praying for God to help me make a decision
about the breast reconstruction..I don't really feel I want it
but hubby thinks I should for me. I just want to be well as
soon as I can be & not go through numerous surgeries.
Praying for wisdom to help me deal with my current issues.
I hope tomorrow brings a POSITIVE attitude ..not this
what's the use attitude.
I think I'll need a sleeping aid tonight, my mind isn't at rest.
night ~~ Deena
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