Sumpins Gotta Give Sumpins Gotta Give
Hopefully they will turn up when I get out all the Christmas decorations.

Love the black, white and orange theme.

These are giant removable stickers you can put on your house windows, so cool!

So chic black, silver and fuchsia place settings!

Cute cupcake boxes.

Love this Country Living setting. I saw a gorgeous all black and white Halloween decorated room in Romantic Homes.
Happy Halloween!
Off to Run Errands
God's Blessings
Watching "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" with hunny hunk hubby. Trying to upload my video..A God visit & didn't want to scare others ..tteeehhheee with ugh self on it. You at least know I'm bald.
Today was a visit too Dr Diane Prager, blood work all good, except my white blood count is below 8,000 never been that low , at it's hightest it was28,oo0, they moved my MRI by my request to tommorow @ 7AM, Rich will be there. I will let you all know when we know. I was told to TAKE my Darvocet..teehee...every 4 hrs. Not as needed.
The girls( the nurse med student & nurse practitioner) cried ..cuz I cry all the time. Be not sad for me!! Nicole cried when they asked me if I was ready for this and I said IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. Much love & keep on keeping on to coin a pink friends bog. The www, this STUPID WINDOWS & all electronics hate me now. Had to have Amy @ S'more Couiterre dial my cell phone before it would work Even Sally couldn't get it right. Dr said my symptons are normal for having the radiation & permanent. Miracles do happen. At the Cancer Center today as I was leaving. I feel like taking my blog to invite only, but if I am sharing I am sharing openly and it will help others and hurt some. My goal genetic testing for Her2NEU@ 20 & sonograms on the breast of girls when the first get PaP smears!!!! 210,000 will be diagnosed with BC the year! Enough we need more womens health & as women enter this area we will GET more..
Think Pink

It's still Monday!
Like I mentioned before I started my blog 4 years ago and never thought it would become a permanent thing. I did abandon it (and stitching) for a while when I started working as a nurse but once I found my "groove" I was able to return to both. I love that I have a place on the web where I can just share stuff and I love that people actually come to visit me. I've "met" so many others through this blog through comments and feel like I have lots of friends even though there are some blogs out there that I just lurk on and never comment on and I will try to rectify that! I hope that those that left comments and are "new" to me continue to visit my blog and enjoy it. I've had fun posting give-a-ways and hope that my winners enjoy their prizes once I get them mailed out to them. Thanks everyone for reading my blog and celebrating my blogoversary with me!!!!!
Now the winner for my final give-a-way this month is *drumroll* Linda in MA! Linda if you could please email me your mailing info I'll get this out to you next week :)
I should have had a finish to show you today *but* I've recently acquired many new iPhone apps (courtesy of my cousin who puts the awesome in awesome!!!) and have been totally engulfed with them. I'm going to try to stitch for a little bit while watching Heroes (Sidebar: Peter's dad is freaking sick!) but may fall asleep. Tomorrow is a busy day for me, because I wanted Friday off for Halloween I have to work and go to school *yikes* It's a first for me but hopefully my night won't be too busy and I won't be too tired to go to school on Wednesday. TTFN!
Edited: I knew something was wrong with my post! I forgot to include the picture of the drawing. There were 42 people (someone emailed me to include them) in this drawing so I was only able to take a screen shot with the top half of the list. Number 6 won and number 6 was Linda :)

One Year Pink Warrior Today

The truth has emerged..going on my blog today
but NOT all the details.
here are the facts
My dad loved my step mother more than anyone else in his life
My step mom loved her son more than anyone else
Because we love both of the so, we never ??d things
I raised by this woman because my bio mom was deprived of me
my mom came home from work, baby gone (ME) house empty
she lived on the street..wouldn't ask for help till my dad's
family asked her to come stay with them
My mom saw my ONCE after that..my dad married my step mom on July 4
a DAY after there divorce..what wasted lives..I hope PHYLLIS my step mom repents
before she dies
thank you GOD!! for this prayer answered
Hunny Hunk says from only seeing ads on TV, I feel like I'm in a "DAYS OF OUR LIVES" & truly who would believe this?
My step mother has lied about everyone but her son
all her
My dad would never call HER on the carpet so we never knew
All our lives we have been decieved about our famly
and today we discovered that my step monster..I am so at peace
with everyone..is The Great Deciever
because someone played back her voice message & we
finally believe our family memebers
all is reavealed all is forgiven and I have lost 53 years of my family
becasuse of this
I continue to pray for every one ..and specifically others on some days
I am ready to GO home to God now
but will stay as long as I can as I love my family and friends so much
Fondly, Deena the Pink Warrior and child of God as we all are

Blue Monday - I Am Blue..

The time is here once again to join in the fun of Blue Monday which is hosted by the lovely Sally at http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/. If you don’t know what Blue Monday’s are all about, head on over to Sally’s blog to find out more about it.
My Blue Monday post this week is going to be me telling you a little bit about my unlucky weekend that has left me feeling a little blue.
The troubles started Friday night when I accidently dropped my new digital camera (which I’ve only had for about one month) while trying to take a picture and I think I did some real damage to it. When I dropped it, the zoom lens was out and I think it was bent out of place as it would not retract back into the camera like it should have. After some twisting and pushing I was finally able to get it to retract, but I think I may have used a little too much force in doing that and damaged it even more as now the camera won’t even turn on.
I haven’t had a chance to take it in yet to see if it can be fixed or not or if I will just have to buy a new one and I may have to delay doing that for a while as other things occurred this weekend that may end up taking a big chunk of money out of my already tight budget.
Not to bore you will all the details, I will just say that I am having car troubles. Thought at first that it was the battery, but now I am not so sure. Appears it may be worse than that as putting in a new battery does not appear to have solved the problem with the car not wanting to start like it should. There is a delay in the engine catching, so may be the car starter or something else. I dropped my car off at the auto shop Sunday afternoon and left the keys in a drop box as they are closed on Sunday’s. The auto shop will not have a chance to look at it or diagnosis the problem until sometime today or maybe even tomorrow depending on how busy they are. Needless to say, that leaves me without a car so I will have to car pool to work with my sister the next few days.
Who knows what the auto shop will find and how much it will cost me to have repairs done. Until I know for sure, I will need to hold off on getting another new camera, so I am very short on pictures in my files of things with Blue.
The only ones I had not show yet were a few that I took a couple of weeks ago when I was on vacation. I stayed at home during my vacation, but I did take a day trip to the lovely town of Stillwater, Minnesota which is famous for its antique shops. Stillwater is only about a 45 minute drive from where I live and I love to go visit the antique and specialty shops that they have. In addition to its numerous antique shops, Stillwater is also famous for its historic Stillwater lift bridge that crosses the Mississippi river from Minnesota to Wisconsin.
As I was waiting to meet a friend for lunch, I snapped a few photos of the Stillwater lift bridge and the Mississippi River. These shots are facing east towards the Wisconsin side. The skies that day were a lovely shade of blue with fluffy white clouds floating by.
This first shot is of the Stillwater lift bridge….

Thanks for visiting today. Now head on over to Sally’s blog for a list of other Blue Monday participant’s and make sure you stop by and visit them also to see what fun and interesting things they are showing today.
Question of My Day

"Let me get this right..you want me to balance the ball on my head and ride the unicycle"
a card from Tina of Garden Goose Gifts

Pink Saturday - More Vintage Cottage Linens & Things

The weekend is here once again and it's time to share in the fun of Beverly's "Pink Saturday" event. Thank you Beverly for being such a wonderful hostess and for all that you do to coordinate the event each weekend. When you are done visiting here today, head on over to Beverly's blog at http://www.howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ for a list of other Pink Saturday participants. Make sure you try and visit the blogs of as many as you can. Our numbers our growing every week so it's a time consuming process, but it is well worth your time to see what lovely Pink things everyone has to share.

A gathering together of some of my collection with a little blue, green and lavender mixed in for fun....
A creative way that I came upon to display some of my potholder collection on my counter top is by using a vintage metal coffee mug holder that I spray painted pink. The hooks on the coffee mug holder work great for holding the vintage potholders, most of which have a loop to hang them.

And some I keep displayed in a wicker basket on a small chest of drawers that I keep in my dining room to store some of my linens in.
After teasing you the past several weeks with just small glimpes of my dining room, I decided it was time to share a photo of the entire room. It is not a separate room but is an extension of my kitchen. This has to be one of my favorite rooms in my house. I love the soft butter yellow color of the wall and the white table and chairs, china hutch and shelf. Add in my collection of china and pretty vintage linens and it makes for a charming cottage dining room.
Well, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed seeing more of my vintage linen collection and my dining room. Maybe you will leave here today with a an idea or two on how to display some of your collections.
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Until next time......
Last Give-a-way!