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I saw these on someone's blog..from Gardner's Supply & showed them to Hubby Rich yesterday, WELL he ordered them .. WooHoo.. Peanut feeders for my ~~Woodpeckers~~
I love acorns..teehee
I found THESE.( I didn't order..but I want them) Acorns AND Mercury Glass..two of my FAVE things.

Oh and THESE...birds and Mercury Glass..so awesome, they'd look GREAT on our mantle

early morning Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte'
Nicole is vacuuming
my BFF Marcia coming today for a visit
radiation treatment #7 is done
About me
my eyesight is a bit better I think
seems my hair is thinning
my headaches are mild
I am gaining a bit of weight again because of the steriods
I miss my walks..but bad eyesight, hearing and winding wooded roads do not mix
do not take Hormone replacements.. I think ( positive) they started my cancer
eat healthy ..organic if possible
drink lots of water
make sure those you love KNOW it!!
Trust in God
carpe' diem
when God calls you to help others,do it if you can

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