Now that Monday is here, it's time once again for Sally's Blue Monday where participants can post about something blue. To find out more about Blue Monday's, take a trip over to Sally's blog at http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ for more information.
Over the years I have found much joy in collecting fairly inexpensive vintage kitchen linens including vintage tablecloths, tea towels and crocheted pot holders. These nostalgic items bring a lovely cottage charm to my home that I find to be very cheerful and welcoming.
Today, I thought I would show you some pieces from my collection that include the color blue. There is still a lot of pink in this post, but that can't be helped. Finding something in my home without at least a hint of pink is actually pretty difficult if you can believe it. The blue and pink just blend so well together that when I do buy the vintage linens from the antique stores, they usually have both blue and pink in them, so I hope you will forgive me.
One of my favorite and least expensive things to collect are sweet little vintage crocheted potholders. I have quite a collection of them in my favorite colors of pink, pale green, blue and even some purple ones. This first picture is of the only two blue ones that I have in my collection. They are very hard to find in this color and especially one's that are still in good condition with little or no stains on them.

This picture is of one of my tea towels that has the most blue in it. It has a blue background with a trellis design and red apples (and also a touch of pink !!).

A fun and creative way to display my collection of tea towels is on an old wooden "ladder" that I found in a junk store several years ago. I had seen similar ones in decorating magazines and was thrilled finally find one for myself. I have it propped against the wall in my dining room and it makes for a great display piece to showcase my collection.

The mix of patterns and colors is so cheery and always puts a smile on my face...
I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and seeing a few small pieces from my collection of vintage linens that have a little blue in them.
Now head on over to Sally's blog for a list of other Blue Monday participants and take the time to visit their blogs to see what they are showcasing today.
Come back and visit again soon....
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