The view from my desk , I love the Autumn
My friend Sherry of Blair Creek Cabin & Gathering Hope is having a blog giveaway..
RUN over there & sign up..
Isn't this box awesome???
and join my Pink October please
the Autumn Open House
fondly, deena
the radiation is making me SO scattered, the worst day so far for the thinking
I am truly happy
my hair is starting to stick to my pillow case, not my head
I addressed envelopes to send out the Hollyhock seeds
my daughter and grandsons plan on moving out next week
my eyesight is bad
I am not driving
My BFF, Marcia is coming over & we are going out for a drive
I am able to take pictures & use my PC
the soft feel & fresh smell of newly laundered towels
Autumn Sun
a lovely home to keep me cozy
knowing it doesn't matter that I can't run the vacuum
my friend Church , calls me often
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