Like I mentioned before I started my blog 4 years ago and never thought it would become a permanent thing. I did abandon it (and stitching) for a while when I started working as a nurse but once I found my "groove" I was able to return to both. I love that I have a place on the web where I can just share stuff and I love that people actually come to visit me. I've "met" so many others through this blog through comments and feel like I have lots of friends even though there are some blogs out there that I just lurk on and never comment on and I will try to rectify that! I hope that those that left comments and are "new" to me continue to visit my blog and enjoy it. I've had fun posting give-a-ways and hope that my winners enjoy their prizes once I get them mailed out to them. Thanks everyone for reading my blog and celebrating my blogoversary with me!!!!!
Now the winner for my final give-a-way this month is *drumroll* Linda in MA! Linda if you could please email me your mailing info I'll get this out to you next week :)
I should have had a finish to show you today *but* I've recently acquired many new iPhone apps (courtesy of my cousin who puts the awesome in awesome!!!) and have been totally engulfed with them. I'm going to try to stitch for a little bit while watching Heroes (Sidebar: Peter's dad is freaking sick!) but may fall asleep. Tomorrow is a busy day for me, because I wanted Friday off for Halloween I have to work and go to school *yikes* It's a first for me but hopefully my night won't be too busy and I won't be too tired to go to school on Wednesday. TTFN!
Edited: I knew something was wrong with my post! I forgot to include the picture of the drawing. There were 42 people (someone emailed me to include them) in this drawing so I was only able to take a screen shot with the top half of the list. Number 6 won and number 6 was Linda :)

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