Mary Theresa Rose tag at the collar..I know my colors don't match!!! LOL

My dear husband, honey hunk Rich
Me today, showing my hair. It just falls out, lays on my shoulders..UGH
but don't despair if this is you too, it will grow back..and hats are CUTE!!

These pictures don't show the bald patches I have . I tried to get them up close. My head itches, but when I scratch it bleeds, and hair comes out. It is funny laying my head on the pillow because it is ??a bit tender, a lil hurt??
Today was 14 of 20 treatments..70% done.. Praise God for that!!
I had a great day yesterday, cooked supper, baked cookies, did laundry, planted a porcelain vine, did dishes, put my new acorn feeders out with peanuts, watched a flock of Bluebirds in the early AM visit the back yard and the deck..too shy for pictures though. I spoke with a local Oncology Massage Therapist, I'm excited about meeting with her (she'll come here) and I'll let you know how it goes. You may find someone near you also!!
I tried to print off 3 shipping labels from USPS..but the page won't load all the way
so I'll try again today. Works fine on Rich's to print!! GOT THEM PRINTED...
I did put some Hollyhock seeds in the mail today, I'll be working on getting them all mailed in the next few days. Thank you kindly for your patience..I did not forget you!!!
Enjoy the day the Lord Hath made..I'm smiling big here in my sunny office
thank you for the cards, the emails, the gifties and the prayers & love
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Dr Mammolito says I GOT IT ALL, LOL, that's me, way competitive, always want to be done with my tests first, get the best scores~~
get your pictures ready..for 10/15 posting
I love Autumn..I think we as a Nation treasure it.
Thanksgiving stays a celebration feast..not commercialized
I'm praying for all of you to be blessed as I am & more
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