It's hot out!

Just wanted to share my progress. Today is a great day to stay in, with the AC on, and stitch since it's sooooooooooooooooooo hot outside! I went out for about an hour and ran back inside and literally stripped on my way to the bathroom to shower. I can't stand the summer when it gets hot like this. Makes me seriously miss the winter. Well I'm off to stitch some more. This room has no AC and I'm starting to get a headache. TTFN :)

Forgot One!

I've started stitching again. That JD piece Time to Garden took a backseat since I really hated it, so I started ED Old Green Gardens. I don't get to stitch much so I have no idea when this will get done. But so far I like it. I have the little yellow flowers done in the right bottom corner now but am too lazy to rescan it. We'll see how far I get the next time I take a picture of it.

Pictures Pictures :)

Here go some pictures that I took with my camera phone - I really need to invest in a digital camera because the ones taken of my cross stitch are really fuzzy. Anywho, I picked up the two framed pieces last weekend, the ladybug cottage one I gave to my cousin as a gift. I miss it already and plan on stitching one for myself. And the other one is hanging at the foot of the staircase in my house. And of course the doggie in the pictures is Ana. I felt as if I haven't taken any picutes of her in a while so decided to take those two. Off to shower I have to work this weekend!

It's been a while!

Wonder if anyone still comes to visit me? Hmmm well I haven't been busy just lazy. Or maybe I have been busy who knows. Ummm dunno what to update on so I'll try to write whatever comes to mind. I haven't stitched in like months *boo hoo* but that's usually a norm in the summer time. I've been working like a dog it seems. My schedule got all screwy and I've had 2 back to back 4 day weeks the another one 2 weeks later. It's all over now though and I'm looking forward to my 3 day weekend that's coming up.

New thing is that I have now become a professional bowler - NOT LOL. No but really my game has gotten ALOT better. I've gone from a 50 average to like a 130 average. The bowling alley around here has $1.00 games and rentals and since I've owned my own shoes and ball for years it's really cheap for me. If my car wasn't acting up I'd be getting dressed to go bowling right now - I'm obsessed. I even bought another ball last week she's such a beauty I'll try and share a pic, I've named her Rebecca LOL. I have this weird thing where I name everything.

Kobe had surgery yesterday. He had to get his tail amputated. We pick him up today. He's had tail problems for like ever and this time it just didn't get better. It cost a pretty penny so we're not to happy about it, but anything for the kids right?

Well I'm going to get dressed I need to pick Kobe up from the vet. TTYL or whenever I get a chance to sit at this computer and blog. Ciao!