If I could do a perfect cartwheel...

I would! Guess what I managed to finish on the train to work Tuesday night??? Little House Needleworks - Home of a Needleworker (Too!)
Stitched on Country GrainVintage Country Mocha 32ct Linen
Crescent Colours Belle Soie Silk Floss
(conversion by Mary Kathyrn)

Please excuse the wrinkled fabric, it's been in my bag since Tuesday. I would have posted a picture yesterday but I went to the zoo right after work with Kelly, my cousin, her husband, and my god-daughter Isabel. Once I got home I went straight to bed and zonked out! It was fun, I rode a camel for the first time and hung out with Isabel who is the CUTEST! I love her so much :-)

I figured since I still have one more day in July I should pull out my Red Thread Snappers to start July but I really would like to stitch something Halloweeny or my CC/CC Thread Packs dilemma dilemma!

Well thanks so much for the comments on the last post (and all other posts!) I appreciate them so much :-) TTFN!

Trust the Journey

Not to worry my dear friends. ..I am here and well
I have only 5 radiation treatments left
so next Tuesday will be my LAST !!

After that..just watching and testing me
(every two months for the brain, every three
months for the heart and every three weeks for 
blood tests)

and the continuing Herceptin & Zometa
every three weeks.

I lost my spirit for a bit, too tired to do anything
or even care about doing stuff. I realized then, I just 
have to trust my journey.

I have gotten some sweet gifts the past 2 weeks also
bringing me much joy. My friend Sally ..made a "Little Book of Joys"
as I was finding it hard to find some.  I don't know why..I am not
depressed ..just tired.  This too has passed.

I have a list of things to help  a friend through her journey

Call to chat
Stop by to do laundry
Take her a milk shake
Cook a meal for her & the family
Get manicures & pedicures together
Wash her car
Add her to prayer chains
Ice cream sundaes are always fun
Shampoo her hair

 Please Share your joys with me
& art you've been working on

Pictures Galore

I have an update picture of Home of a Needleworker (Too!) seriously this piece should be finished by now! I'm not stitching on my Red Thread Snapper this month because I'm afraid if I put this down I will never pick it back up again. I'm still enjoying stitching on it so *yea* but I am so ready to have this finished and off of my Q-Snaps.

A while ago my partner for the Summer Exchange Round for F&S received my stitched piece. Since I went back to work blogging time is slim so this is my first chance to share with you guys what I stitched for her. Here's The Trilogy's Summer Tree (with my signature square.) Keeping with the theme of birds in the mail this is what my partner (Laura) stitched me... I LOVE IT! It's Halloweeny and she finished it into a basket lid so I was able to display it right away instead of putting it in my pile of things to finish. Thanks Laura!!!

In June and part of July the mailman was *not* good to me. Two of my exchanges went missing and some of my packages were marked certified but weren't so instead of leaving them in my mailbox I had to go pick them up at the post office (I go to a different post office because the one my neighborhood is assigned to is a mad house!)
Well since they weren't certified they weren't in the certified location of the post office and hence "lost" *sigh* well after waiting about an hour they were finally found. My exchanges, sadly, never showed up. I feel horrible about it but both of my partners were nice enough to restitch and resend. I think my mail is back to normal...atleast I'm hoping it is. Yesterday my HoE Freebie Exchange arrived *yea* Edda stitched me a wonderful pinkeep! I love it! One of my "small" basket ideas is having one that's a dog/pet theme and while I haven't stitched any of the charts I bought for the basket I now have the first one to add to it. Right now it's in my other basket but I love it. Thanks so much Edda!!!
Here's a picture of the entire package she sent me :-) I've been playing a lot with my camera...I don't think I'm getting any better but I may have developed a lens fettish. Thankfully the ones I want are expensive so I can't go out and buy them all at once. I just added a Canon 17-40mm F4.0L to my teeny collection. I took a picture of the entire width of my room and realized I live in a box! I took my camera to work to take pictures of the nurses so we can have a board with our pictures on it like other floors have (we have one but I've noticed only the day shift nurses are on it *grrr*) It's been busy at work so I didn't take many pictures and I won't share them with you for obvious reasons but I will share a picture I took this morning of Ana with my new lens...I think it looks sharper but I'm even newbie-er than a novice, if there's such a thing, so what do I know LOL.

Mini Happy Dance!!

I just put the last stitch to that blasted house on Home of a Needleworker (Too!) It took me so long to do it that I thought it would become a UFO for real haha! Now to do the rest *sigh* No picture of the house because I have to get ready to go to work but believe me it's done wooooooooohoooooooooooo!

Pink & Green Inspiration

Loving the choice of colours for the latest "Shades of Inspiration." My two faves, pink and green.

Vintage green kewpie doll. You can see the green wall in the background and a pink flamingo!

The above mentioned flamingos, the wall adding the green.

My bag rack near the front door.

Green cup holder on my pink kitchen wall. Oh, and some green Cath Kidston mugs!

Green and pink kitchenalia on the top of the kitchen cabinets.

Gorgeous original painting by Gail and now hanging proudly in my living room :)

Pink and green Austrian plate bought from a swap meet.

Puffy pink and green quilt. Love this, it is so soft and warm!

Pink and green Josef girls and Royal Winton china.

Vintage table cloth.

From "Australian Vintage Living."

Vintage wallpaper.

Fabulous Pottery Barn office chairs.

My fave Cath Kidston wallpaper.

Pink and green aubusson rug, number one on my "Things I Desperately Want" list :)

Happy Mail :)

Thanks to Google Reader I was able to see a blog post on my stitchy friend's blog that then vanished into thin air. She sewed together the most wonderful quail pin cushion so since I couldn't comment on her original post I commented on another post. A few days later, on her blog, she wrote that she was going to give a quail away to her stitchy friend for noticing the missing post. I got excited but then thought, "Well what if someone else told her first *gasp*" Today, after my nap I went downstairs and found a box on the coffee table and this was inside of it!Some close ups!

Lisa thanks so much for this! You really don't know how much I love it...it's the one of the prettiest things I've seen and you are truly creative!

Since we're on the topic of birds...these pretty little things also came in the mail earlier this week.
Cute no? The pictures aren't the greatest, I just sort of snapped them quickly but I love them! They were made by Barbara and can be bought at her Etsy Shop. She still has one there just in case you'd like to own one.

Last picture for the night is of my stitchy corner. I'd like to add more to my basket and I'd like to get a taller tree so my birds can be seen better.

Taking a Break

to contemplate life and health and my path on this journey. Don't worry,I'm fine, but I need to find joy. I will be getting closer to God & my purpose in Him.
Find the joy & snatch it up &
Keep feeding me whimsy PLEASE!! love..Deena * I AM blessed*

A Bit of Whimsy

I just love little vignettes..they are so comforting

Enjoy, Deena