And so it begins...

-- Post From My iPhone

Pregnancy Mag....oh baby!

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone at Pregnancy Magazine for featuring our Love Print in Grapefruit. The prints come in a variety of colors & make a great addition to any nursery, get yours here.


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Everything I LOVE (Home Tour)

Amy, from 'Everything I LOVE' blog - was kind enough to share photos of her beautiful & creative home with us. Even though she recently moved in, she's done a great job so far. I fell in Love with her daughter's room, the cute chalkboard wall & the Graham & Brown black & white wallpaper (Macintosh Rose). Thank you Amy...and all the best with your home! 

*QUESTION: Does anyone know the name of a spray paint in a melon color??  

If you have a HOME you'd like to have us feature, please email me at We will take a look at it & let you know. Please email us a few clear shots - preferably using no flash. Thank you! ; )

Looking for some Vintage items? Try Sewing Momma

Here are some great items for sale at Sewing Momma's shop. Don't you just love the 2 Vintage Upholstered chairs?? And how about the Vintage hanging Cheragh? It would look so pretty over a dining room table or entryway! Check out her store here.



Below: She also makes many fabric storage bins in variety of fabrics. Great for organizing your kids toys or any other household items!



Sima - Custom!

Thank you to Sima for making this lovely piece of jewelry for me! It looks so beautiful on! To view more of her work go here. Last year I bought a customized necklace from Sima, for my mom . It had the names of all my family members on it. Definitely a great Mother's day gift!

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My Patio Re-do....

I was so inspired by these pics in Sunset Magazine I felt like re-doing my own patio. I wanted to do it all on a relatively small budget.

So far, I bought:
  • A white bistro table with 2 bistro chairs = $100 (may paint it, melon, turquoise or lime green)
  • A few potted plants, which seems to have taken over most of my budget. Pots are not cheap! The nicer the color, the more $$ you will need to dish out.
  • Outside area rug = $95
  • 3 Hanging white lanterns = $36

The most labor intensive part will be covering that UGLY trellis white wood! In order to give the patio area a more modern edge, I decided I would try this corrugated steel look - similar to the red one in the Sunset Mag photos. So, the question is, what color should I paint the corrugated metal sheets??? I created a few quick mock-ups of what it may look like after painted. What color do you like or think I should go for? I'm leaning towards the blue-ish tone or green.

*Photos above via Sunset Magazine*

Below is my plan:
When all the plants are in their places & the new bistro table is set up, the metal sheets are installed & hopefully painted....I'll post the photos. We are hoping this will be done no later than Saturday!

Teacup Tuesday - Week 6

Roses, roses everywhere….

If you aren’t aware of it by now, my favorite flower has to be the rose and I love collecting pretty pieces of rose patterned china, whether the roses be pink, red, or sometimes even yellow.

My teacup choice to show off this week is one that has both pink and red roses. This pattern is quite bold and is very lovely. Lucky for me, this teacup is one that I am fortunate enough to have a matching teapot, desert plate and even a small tray to make a complete tea service for one.

Do all of you collect teacups? If you do, what are your favorite teacup patterns to collect?

This week, these lovely ladies are joining in the fun and are also doing a “Teacup Tuesday” post on their own blogs. Please stop by and pay them a visit to see the beautiful teacups they are sharing with us today:

Katie from
Rose Breeze Boutique
Melinda from Everything Shabby and Chic

If there are any other ladies who would like to join me in the upcoming weeks, please let me know and I would be more than happy to add you to the list.

Things have been very busy lately so I'm starting to fall a little behind in visiting some of my favorite blogs and adding new posts myself. Don't fret though. Things should be back to normal soon.

Have a great day and as always, thanks for stopping by for a visit. I so loving having visitors and reading all of your sweet comments. They really do a lot to brighten my day!!

'I'll Kill Her'.... Soko (Music)

Ever recall having a HUGE crush on a guy, but he decided to date some other girl over you?!?! Remember how much you hated her? This is where SOKO's tune comes in. If you haven't heard of SOKO....she's the Gal behind the tune 'i'll kill her' - which got a lot of airplay on Australian radio when it first came out. She's a 21 year old French actor/singer by the name of Stephanie Sokolinksy. Her lyrics go like this: "She's a bitch you know, all she's got is blondeness", she has a thick accent & broken English that makes it sound so adorable. Weird huh?

Beware, this song is cute & addicting....& one of my favorite tunes. Enjoy!

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*You can download (free) or listen to all 3 tunes here:

Soko I'll Kill Her

Soko The Dandy Cowboys

Soko It's Raining Outside

*Watch her 'I'll Kill Her' video here.

A Skateboarder's home...

Who would have thought a Skateboarder's home would look like this? Claire, an interior designer, & Jay, a skateboarder & musician, turned this beautiful old style Victorian in San Francisco into a dream house. They bought their home together for cool $1 million in 2005, can you believe that?! I L-O-V-E what they've done to all the rooms, especially the kitchen!

I am also admiring the steel corrugated fencing (below) that surrounds the backyard area. I'd like to add that type of fencing to the back of my patio area to give it a slightly modern edge. Awesome, no??

Below, Claire painted the mantel in the bedroom Benjamin Moore’s Pool Party Blue

Photos by: Peter DaSilva for the NY Times.


Vitsoe is a company that is all about shelves. They have all kinds of shelving for both commercial & residential spaces. All clean lines.. true perfection.

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