More Ebay Finds

Got this huge enamel ware metal bowl for an excellent price. I love this old Chinese enamel ware with the pretty shaded rims. They usually have pictures of roses or fruit in the middle. I actually had to restrain myself from tackling a guy at a thrift shop last week who grabbed one of these just as I was reaching for it! And it was PINK!

Another of my beloved Enesco Prayer Ladies. This one is a spoon holder and in great condition; these are usually chipped.

This gorgeous sign was painted by my talented friend, Shannon. Her ebay name is shannon*thompson. I just had to have this sign as "Pretty In Pink" is my ebay user name (and one of my favourite movies!)

A vintage Japanese honey or jam pot complete with spoon.

This gorgeous Royal Vale cup to match a saucer that I already have. Now to find the plate!

Pretty Pictures to Cheer Me Up

I am actually feeling a lot better as Tom is feeling a lot better. The homeopathic remedies are really working well for him!
I thought I'd post some pictures of my latest buys. It always cheers me up to see pretty pictures when I open my blog page.
I am just posting pics of my Josef girls at the moment. I bought the pink and blue ones from ebay and the green bell Josef girl was from the swapmeet. I found out that the green one is worth at least $100! To think that I was annoyed that the seller wouldn't come down in price from $5!
Picking up Lucas from school now, his first day back!

Horror Day

Awful day yesterday, I spent most of it crying. The crux is we nearly lost our bad boy Tom, pictured above when he was a kitten.
Our Tommy is a bit of a thief, he has been jumping the fence and stealing food from other cats. I don't know what happened but he came home with a broken leg and abrasions.
Then a horrible experience with a vet, I should have known better, their phone number had 666 in it! He wanted to charge $1000 to fix the leg. Plus he was going to charge me $300 for looking at Tom, x-rays and anesthetic. When I said to him to call me before doing anything!
Well I went down there and cried my eyes out and got it reduced to $50. And brought Tom home. I was feeling pushed to either pay for an expensive operation or put him down.
I have given him a homeopathic remedy and it seems to be helping. He is eating and putting more weight on the leg.
I am saying lots of prayers for my cuddly, psycho cat.

I Love….

Valentines Day is quickly approaching and although i LOVE dark chocolate- a little something different is nice too! I found this unique sterling silver Razorblade necklace on I love it and wanted to show it to all of you. Neat gift idea….if you like something a little wild.

Second Room Done :)

*Yippee* I just finished the 2nd room in Dollhouse :) I was going to show an update pic earlier but realized I only had the window and some of the border so figured I should just stitch it and THEN show a pic, it's just much better that way!

I don't know if I should stitch some more on it or if I should go through some of my stash and start something new. I've been dying to start something new but now that the room is done I don't know LOL. I forgot how my rotation goes so I'll have to search my blog to find out. Do I go back to Sampler Farm or do I get to start something new? Regardless of what it is I don't think I'm going to follow it. Stitching is suppose to be fun and I shouldn't have to follow any "rules." I don't know how people do it but hats off to them. After I post this I'm going to get rid of the list on the sidebar, those are things I wanted to stitch then not now LOL.

The weekend was sort of nice. We saw OAR at Madison Square Garden yesterday. They always put on a good concert. It was ruined by some irresponsible drinkers though who ruined it for us responsible drinkers so they had to stop selling beer and drinks because of some people passing out, I love a buzz during concerts so I was a bit miffed! No pictures of the concert because my battery died and I had no time to charge it. It was better without a camera because I wasn't concentrating on taking pictures and recording. Next confirmed concert is Bloc Party *my all time fav* we're still looking for something before then but so far nothing.

I was suppose to go get a tattoo today with my cousin but it was rescheduled for next Monday. I guess it gives me more time to think of it and make sure it's what I want.

Well I'm going to start something new. TTFN!

Bold HeadBoard for your bedroom ?

I’ve been traveling and had trouble with my internet connection lately. I apologize for not posting some new stuff. But here is a beautiful headboard which i adore, straight from - one of my favorite sites! I love this bold piece, would love to get one like this for one of the guest bedrooms in my home. .

Jungle Dream Pagoda Inspired me....

to post photos of my assy Valentines centerpiece. I have mucked around with this a lot. I originally had a glass tree with pink decorations but the cat kept knocking it over. And the husband.
My fave bit is the "love" glass bauble. The pink floral collars around the candlesticks are vintage as are a lot of the crystal prisms hanging off them.
The little tealight candles are battery operated, a must with my two little cherubs (and the cat who would set his furry bum on fire.) The picture below is of my bad boy, Tom. We have a love/ hate relationship. This is a cat who attacks the mailman and he is only one! So not even full grown!

Australia Day

Happy Birthday Australia!

For Sarah

Sarah asked me what the heck coloured popcorn is? Well here is a picture of the very brand that is my own personal drug!

Another Weird Thing & Cupcakes

Okay, number 4 - I am totally addicted to coloured popcorn. And not just any coloured popcorn. It has to be in the blue packet from Woolworths. It tastes divine and all the additives have me flying for hours!
Have found some great pictures of the Robert Gordon china cupcakes that I collect so I just had to add them to my blog!
I keep them all on a white wire cupcake stacker also by Robert Gordon. Here is a photo of it from a while ago. Must take a new one as the brown cakes are now gone and I found a whole lot of cupcake shaped candles in the prettiest pastel colours. And they look real! Kids and adults alike are always asking if they can have one lol!

Six Weird Things..& Cath Kidston!

Niki has tagged me in the reveal six weird things about yourself caper. Now, I am not very keen to do this as I may be revealed as the nutter I truly am!
Niki, I think everyone in Blogland has been tagged so this ends right here, right now (throws down gauntlet.)
1. I was an extra in a movie shot here in Perth which starred Naomi Watts. Everything of me was cut out except a lovely shot of my bare legs. I had gorgeous legs then, sigh. Naomi Watts is tiny, shorter than me and I am only 5 ft 3".
2. I have an addiction to smutty gossip, the smuttier the better! You can see a few links on my side bar, these are the tamer ones! I should be too grown up for this now, I know. People tend to get shocked. What is common knowledge in the Blog world? Not so much in real life.
3.I am afflicted with a severe case of potty mouth. I am constantly having to watch myself around people in case a "F" or much, much worse comes out. Some of the mums of my kids friends let slip with an "F" occasionally and they always apologise and I just think &*$@$ *&* $%#$@! - if you only knew!

Am getting bored of this tonight, so will post the other three soon. Is that a weird thing? My attention span is very short, a little ADD I think.

More importantly, Cath Kidston's new Spring range is out! I am just gasping with complete avarice here! You can go to her site by clicking on the title of this post.

Brain Age and The Party

This has to be the coolest game ever! When it first came out I was like who would want to play that game, but then I read that if you exercise the mind you delay the onset of dementia by a few years. I see what dementia can do to people everyday at work and that's one thing I don't want to put my family through if I can help it. So I started to do Su Doku puzzles again (even got my mom doing them - my dad says he trains his brain everyday so he doesn't need to do anything extra he's so stubborn!) and saw this game one day and decided to pick it up. I've been playing ever since; for like a week already! I've got everyone playing it also. It's fun and a great way to train your brain. If you have Nintendo DS I suggest you get it. Another interesting thing I read on Dementia is that studies show if you speak two languages everyday you delay the onset of Dementia by up to four years. So I guess I'll let my dad slide on not doing daily puzzles since he does speak English and Spanish daily.

My stitching has been suffering thanks to this game and of course I had the baby shower, which might I add the decorations were great! Everyone was giving my cousin and me so many compliments I think that if we got one more compliment our heads wouldn't fit through the door LOL. I have some pictures but everything looked so much better IRL. I also didn't take a picture of the center pieces (I'm kicking myself) but they were baskets shaped as cradles filled with white daisies and some other pink flower. They were really nice! We made a clothesline with real baby clothes and mini clothes pins. And we also made some chocolate lollipops in different baby paraphanalia shapes - I think that was the hardest since we've never ventured down the chocolate road before and the first batch wasn't the greatest but the rest looked great and everyone enjoyed it. Here are some pics of the party - like I said everything looked so much nicer IRL!

I'm off to bed - if I stitch tomorrow I'll update with a progress pic. I think I need to actually see some progress in order to kick start my stitching again. TTFN!

I just had to add this.....

fantastic find!
There is a little swapmeet near my house in the ghetto. It is on Saturday mornings in the carpark of the local trashy shopping center.
Most of the stuff is pretty craptacular but this Saturday I found this amazing curio shelf straight from the 1950's! I remember my aunt having the same one! I even like the shade of lilac it is painted.
I filled this up pretty quickly - the bottom thermos is the genuine vintage one I have mentioned before. You can see my pink and blue little girls mentioned in my last post - the green one is up there too, now!

Sunday Swapmeet

Okay, a few days late but I just can't get my sh!t together this week.
I have been organising stuff for the kids going back to school next week. I covered some of their scrapbooks today. Lucas has Star Wars contact on his and Laetia has Disney Princess!
The swap meet was pretty good on Sunday. It was funny when I got it all home that I realised that I had followed a green theme!
The little green girl is a bell, a vintage Japanese porcelain. It goes well with my prayer ladies and I also have a pink and a blue one of these little girls.
The green glass vase is depression glass and the plate is J & G Lilac time - a classic.
The bottle jug and bowl is vintage Avon - I already have one of these so this one is for ebay. Mine is in my bathroom and is just the right shade of shabby green.
The green lidded pot is for honey or jam originally and is another piece of old Japanese ceramic. I have a similar one in my kitchen in lemon yellow. Yellow and green are just so delicious together, how could Mother Nature be wrong?!

I have to laugh

I recently finished reading The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette in paperback and while looking for another book to read I noticed that I have another Marie Antoinette book in hardcover. Would you believe that it's the same exact book I just finished reading??? LOL I'm off on Wednesday and I think I'm going to the library to donate these books I have piled up because who knows what other book I have 2 of. I'm going to get ready for work now.

Corner of My Home

This is a corner of my kitchen where my stove is.
The plate rack is a kids version of the "grown up" wooden dish drainers. I got it from ikea and painted it white. It is loaded with heaps of pretty vintage bread and butter plates which we use every day.
I also have plates lined up behind the hotplates.
The thermos is one of my latest buys. Love these pretty Thermos's! I have one genuine old one, this is a repro.
The popcorn holder is by "Robert Gordon", probably my fave homewares brand. I use it to hold my cooking utensils.

Ha! I've been tagged

I was reading Sharon's blog and reading 6 weird things about her and was thinking how cool would it be if someone tagged me and *poof* she tagged me LOL.

Ok so 6 weird things about moi...this is hard as I know I'm weird but what really makes me weird.

The rules: Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things about you." People who get tagged need to write in their blog of 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I write upside down and can't write any other way. My theory is that in school (I'm left handed) teachers would turn my page and put the pencil/pen in my right hand so that I would write with my right hand and I just switched the pencil/pen back but never the paper.

2. I like to eat Wendy's french fried dipped in a Wendy's Frosty - to me there is no other way to eat them.

3. I was deathly afraid of dogs until I got my first dog Kobe - one of the meanest, crankeist, and loudest dogs (everything that scared me) but I loved him because with me he was a snuggle bum and loved me back.

4. I consider myself not a cat person but I feed all the strays on my block and secretly wish I had a big HUGE FAT male cat that I could name Priscilla.

5. I make up little songs for Ana and have indept conversations with her about everything - there's the stretching song, the yawning song, the let's eat song, the we're eating song, the we're done eating song, and the sleeping song - she, at least, thinks it's weird LOL. She also likes to watch Bill O'Riely but I guess that makes her weird not me LOL.

6. I sing Halloween songs year round and wish I could dress in a costume all the time!!!!!

Not too weird I think now the 6 people I tag are *drumroll please*

Annette of My Life and Stitches
Eileen of Her Drama-ness
Cheryl of The Life of Bezza Chezza
Emily of The Confessions of an Infomaniac
Cindy of Cindy's Stitching Korner
Meari of Meari's Musings

I don't know how to include the link but if you're interested in visiting these blogs the links are in my sidebar. Now I have to shower! TTYL :)

My Raggy Quilt

Well here it is, the quilt that has made me broke this week! I think it is well worth it though :) It comes with two pillowcases and four cushion covers. I am justifying this purchase by promising myself to sell the four cushion covers. I have about 30 raggy patchwork cushions and DH will go berko if I try and stuff any more on the couch or bed!
The pictures are from the auction. They are not the best pictures, quite blurry. They give you a fair idea of the look of this quilt. I can recognise a few Rachel Ashwell and Cath Kidston prints!
By the way, to give credit to the seller, rictigers, you can go to her auctions by clicking on the title, "My Raggy Quilt", above.

Just a Question

I have some books that I'd like to donate - do any of my readers know where I can take them? I'm thinking of the library but maybe there's somewhere else I can take them ya know??

No stitching since Saturday, my cousin's baby shower is this Sunday and I have to get on the ball with the last minute things that have to be done. I usually mind when it comes to things like this but I think I must really like my cousin because I'm actually looking forward to doing this for her :-) The only thing I don't look forward to is seeing someone on Sunday - she's such an a**hole. She called herself giving my other cousin some "school" advice and ended up dissing nurses (my cousin is thinking of becoming one) want to know something funny? She's a RN herself *sigh* I swear some people in my family are just ignorant!

Well I'm going to read a little before I go to bed, I'm thinking the faster I read these books I have (and I think I have a lot) the quicker I can get them out of here, donate them and buy new ones haha! :-) Good Night!!!

Ebay This Week

How slack am I? This is all I have managed to list this week. I love the old rhinestone bag, have had it on display in my room for a while now. I need the money more now because I spent way too much money this week on a stunning raggy quilt. Will show photos soon!
Had to see my boss today in the city so I took the opportunity to pick up some great Christmas bargains. Glass decorations from Myer for 75 % off, I got hot pink ones.
Bed, Bath & Table had 90% off decorations so I got quite a few from there too!

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Here I am still in NYC - promoting my coffee tables. I decided to go to Brooklyn to a few furniture stores near Bedford Ave. and what a nice little area that is. So many little shops and cafes. So many young people there and the furniture stores I walked into were so unique. I really enjoyed one called “The Future PERFECT’. Worth the trip to Brooklyn.

Flickr is The MASTER of Time Suckage

Wow, it is 1.30 in the morning and time has FLOWN as I have been fully absorbed by the wonderful pictures on Flickr.
Click on the header to see an album by damselfly58, a fellow Aussie.
I just love this picture of her poodle collection and I can see in the background that she has the same mini drawers chest that I have. Her vintage album is so incredible, so many things I want!
I have also included this picture of her Royal Albert blossom time saucer as I have the same one found at an op-shop a few weeks ago.
Also this pic of her Royal Winton Pink Petunia cup which looks to be perfect and cost her $1! Mine has a chip and cost more than that!
The polka dot cup and saucer is adorable, I have a bit of a "thing" for polka dots.
The last picture is of the top of the same Robert Gordon cookie jar that I have. It is shaped like a big layer cake with "icing" roses on top.