Sunday the last day of November

When I opened the shades it was so lovely
I had to share.

It is a wet heavy snow, it's warm out
I didn't go out though, just not feeling good enough yet
but better each day.

A New Start

Every Christmas season I pull out a few things that I'd like to stitch and once it's over they get put back away. This season I decided to change that and have already put in some stitches into my first project. I chose to stitch Shepherds Bush Merry Season because I swear I've had this project since I started stitching. I love the buttons on this piece and so far have stitched the four square borders. Here's a pic: If this is the only piece I finish before the end of the year I'll be happy! And because I *do* plan on finishing the Plum Street Sampler piece I started before this here's a progress pic:
Well I work tonight so I'm going to stitch my last 40 minutes at home away :-) Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day! TTFN

Friday Flea Market,

Good Morning!!! Still bald as can be.

I'm off to get my Echo CardioGram.
(My Pet/CT scan didn't happen on Tuesday. The scanner was not working, so I'll be fasting and getting isotopes again on Wed)

UPDATED Flea Market Friday
my Curiouse Goodes . I have a few things there

Thanksgiving Wishes

Wishing all my friends a Thankful Thanksgiving
filled with blessing.

We don't live in should be IL tried to change, cannot figure it out..too tired

Partners..Jingle for the Cure..

Bernice & Mollye
Theresa Mary Rose & Deena
Lynn & Sherry
Sandy & Denise
Virginia & Debra Facer
Sally Smith & Tina S
Diane & Laurie
Lennea & Counting Your Blessings
Brenda & Sharon
Pat of Urban Chic & Pat of Treasures from the Heart

These are the partners for
Just click

If you haven't heard from me, please email me 
through my profile
so I can get the partners together
with mailing info.

Remember to mail your ornaments by Dec 1st..



I've been feeling poorly, but much better today finally.
Doc appt. last week was just a follow up
and to schedule another head MRI
in late January.
This week..I get a PT/CT scan on Tuesday and an EchoCardiogram on
Test results will be Friday Dec. 5th with my cancer meds and an appt with
my oncologist Dr. Diane Prager.

Here's my pink tree so far.

love and hugs


not feeling ill
sleeping without sleep aids
Mad Men on DVD

& yours???

Go to the bottom of this page to add yourself as an angel who follows my blog
love ya all

An award and a decision....

Hi Everyone,

Have you missed me???

I know I have been absent for a week or so and I will explain why in a minute, but first I would like to take this time to send a very warm thank you out to Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage for awarding me with the Marie Antoinette Blog Award. I feel extremely honored to have Marilyn share this award with me and I will gladly add the wonderful award to my sidebar. Marilyn, your kindness and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated and I am sorry it took me so long to let you know that.

Ok!! Here are the rules:

1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Link it to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them

And the winners are:

1. Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound
2. Katie at Rose Breeze Boutique
3. Cori at Gingerbread, Crumbs & Company
4. Niki at Nostalgia at the Stone House
5. Linnea at Nearbear and B-Daddy's Nest
6. Lynn at The Vintage Nest
7. Katie at Hazel's Vintage Pretties

Please take the time to visit these wonderful and inspiring blogs.

Now, to explain why I have been absent from blogging for the past week or so…

I decided I needed to take a blogging break and do some thinking. When I first started my blog a few months ago, I never realized how time consuming it could be and that I would start to feel stressed out over participating in some of the weekly blogging events like “Pink Saturday” and “Blue Monday”.

Even though I have really enjoyed participating in those events, I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with trying to come up with new and creative blog posts each week for both events and to also find the time to try and visit as many of my fellow bloggers as I could. Add that into a full-time working girls life and I’m sure many of you will understand how I was feeling.

I realized that I don’t want to give up blogging altogether, but I have decided that for the time being, I will no longer be participating in the weekly blogging events. I will however continue to add new blog posts on my own time schedule and I will also continue visiting my fellow bloggers as often as I can.

That has been the one thing I have enjoyed the most over the past several months. I have met so many wonderful new friends through blogging and I have really enjoyed visiting all of your blogs and seeing and reading about the wonderful decorating and craft projects that you are working on and all of the collected treasures that you have acquired in your antiquing, thrift store and garage sale hunts. For me, blogland is like an on-line decorating and collecting magazine and I have found so many great decorating ideas in my visits to your blogs that I would like to use in my own home and they have even inspired me to begin some new collections of my own.

My greatest hope is that you won’t forget about me and that you will continue to visit my blog as often as you can.

That’s all for now. Take care and come back and visit again soon !!

No Stitching :(

I haven't been stitching and it sucks :( I've been reading the blogs I suscribe to and everyone is doing such pretty work that it's making me a bit jealous. Right now I have my stitching out but I also have the PS3 on...blasted video games grrrr!

A tag!

I've been tagged by Kathie! I usually don't do these but have been feeling bad for not doing it so today I'm going to do one :-) Hopefully I can list 6 random things. Here are the rules...
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
And here are my 6 things....
1. I should be done with my 2 year Biology degree in a year and a half *yea* I will then go on to get my Bachelors.
2. I love playing video games, so much that my stitching has been suffering :(
3. I still live at home with my mumsy poo and father.
4. I love Nursing but don't want to do it anymore...thanks to Administration!
5. I'm incredibly shy.
6. I've never had car insurance and now that I'm trying to get some it's proving to be a hassle!
Well I'm not going to tag anyone because I think every one has done it already. TTFN I'm off to play some Rock Band!

Just Saying Hello

Just a couple of Christmas creations
made by me!!

Hello all my faithful friends.
The funeral went well, it was so cold and windy.
Now mom & dad are together.  My family unit from
child hood is all gone.

I do have MY family & I treasure that
I have been so tired since the funeral & lots of nauseau..but I think
that is finally going.  Today I have a follow up with my Radiology doc... for the
brain radiation.  I had a BAD headache yesterday for about 5 hours, but after was gone.  I was kind of scared ..but seems it's okay.

I think we will travel to Springfield IL on Saturday to view
the Festival of Trees at the State Fair Grounds with my mom
and family.

I got Spring bulbs planted, just a bit of chamomile to get in the 
ground before it freezes up. We got a small flurry of snow this week. It was so pretty.
and also

I hope you have a great weekend. 


a touch of warm weather
deer in the yard
almost time to decorate for Christmas
Thanksgiving next week
God is Love
a friend who sends me e cards every day
& your joys??

Go to the bottom of this page to add yourself as an angel who follows my blog
love ya all

I want this!

It's Shepherds Bush's conversion to When Witches Go Riding by Prairie Schooler and I love it! I had it on my mental list of things to do list but didn't find the time to call SB and see if they had it kitted up. I love the fabric they stitched it on, the mat, and frame! SB does some of the greatest things!

Tonight I went shopping and noticed how empty the stores were and when I mentioned it to Kelly it scared him. Usually at this time the stores are crowded, no? I really felt that besides us and the employees no one else was out shopping. It even felt like that in BJs and Target. I enjoyed not having to deal with the crowds but hopefully after Thanksgiving things will pick up. Or maybe everyone decided to stay home because it was so freaking cold outside! Around this time I always worry about the stray cats...I hope they find some where warm to go, my father tells me that they do but I saw a pregnant cat yesterday and felt bad for her. I know this house up the block always puts food out for them as well as another house on the corner and I also do it sometimes but where do they go to sleep? I wish I had a heated garage for them to camp out in.

Well I must go to bed now, lately I've been acting like I don't have school in the morning and have been staying up playing Rock Band 2 or stitching until 3am and end up missing or going late to class. TTFN...I have my stitching out next to me but hopefully I can ignore it and go to sleep!

Late night blog

I'm stitching Fishes and Bait by Plum Street Samplers and this is what I have so far...
This took a while to stitch and sadly its riddled with mistakes that I refuse to fix (except for one) I'm hoping that this will get finished because it's already taking too long. Well that's all I have for now...once I finish some more I'll post another update!



Pink Saturday - Pale and Pretty

Oh my... Another week has flown by and it's time once again to share in the fun of "Pink Saturday" hosted by Beverly at Thank you Beverly for being such a wonderful hostess and for allowing all of us that love the color Pink to share some of our favorite Pink with others.

Today, I am showing a vignette of some of my pale and pretty pinks. Included in the vignette is a sweet pale pink lady chalk figurine, some pretty pink buttons, a vintage postcard and a couple of pale pink milk glass candy dishes. A sweet rose patterened plate is the backdrop to the vignette. The color of the candy dishes is such a pale shade of pink that they almost look white. Only if you've ever seen similar pieces in your own eye will you understand just how pale the shade of pink is. I love to use these candy dishes at Easter filled with pastel colored candies.

The vingette re-arranged with the candy dishes removed to show more of the rose patterned plate....

And I would like to send out a shout of THANKS to Katie at Rose Breeze Boutique who last week shared a photo of some beautiful floral fleece fabric that she had found at JoAnn's. After seeing her picture and falling in love with the design of the fleece fabric, I had to run to JoAnn's and purchase some of the lovely fabric for myself. Just like Katie, I now have a beautiful and "shabby" lap throw of my own. Perfect for getting cozy on a cold Minnesota winter day !!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. Now head on over to Beverly's for a list of more "Pink Saturday" participants. Make sure you visit the others also to see what lovely Pink they have in store for you today.

Have a fabulous weekend!!

Flea Market Friday & News

and post on your blog Please and Thank You.

About Me

good ..feeling better each day
I can multi task again
dr's appt today at 8AM
more news to follow
HI..the tissue in my left breast ABSOLUTLEYFINE!! woohoo
No tattoo today. not till 12/15, but got to look..and have
a new sombrero on now.  SWEET


Mom's funeral is Saturday, I pray she's in heaven
lovelies in the mail
all my friends pics here
another day with my family and friend
chicken & noodles
my BFF Marica
all of those who care about me
prayers work, Dee's husband is to come home tomorrow

We don't live in should be IL tried to change, cannot figure it out..too tired

A Little Bit of Yellow Sunshine..

Living in Minnesota, I dread the coming of winter when everything outside seems to lose its color. Things that used to have such lovely and vibrant colors begin to turn dreary shades of brown, gray and dirty white.

That’s why for me, my home becomes even more a refuge as I surround myself with the soft and pretty colors that will sooth me and bring me comfort during the long, dark and cold winter months.

Over the years, in order to bring a little sunshine into my home, I began adding the color yellow into my décor. When browsing the antique malls and gift shops, I keep my eye out for pretty things in the color yellow that I can add to my collection. I am drawn towards the softer shades of yellow and not the bright shades you sometimes see.

Today, I thought I would welcome you into my home for a little peek at some of the yellow in my collection.

This first photo is of a small end table that sits along one of the walls in my living room. I use this table to display the largest portion of my collection of yellow. From the yellow in the pretty flower filled floral pitcher to some of the small items such as a vintage heat shaped candy box with a rose cover, a yellow planter filled with pastel colored buttons, a pretty vase with a yellow and pink floral pattern and a few other miscellaneous yellow its, this corner is filled with sunshine all year around….
A closer view of some of the items on the table...

And in my dining room, displayed on a shelf is a lovely yellow and green lady planter figurine. She looks very much like Marie Antoinette.

And lastly, a cute little white planter with yellow flowers that holds a vintage yellow crocheted potholder.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. I hope that you enjoyed seeing some of my collection of yellow and that I may have added a little sunshine and cheer into your day.