Monday ~~ Thoughts and Prayers

Just a sneak peek of my Autumn home, hand dids are my passion
Polly of Counting Your Blessings.. I love the pretty & prim together.
My favorite chippy blue stool night stand
Lotion gift of love
Just a whimsy I made!!!

It's a typical Autumn day, after a rainy morn. Just mums and the neighbors mums are blooming so brightly yellow..and the leaves are slowly warming up to bright colors and the sun's rays are dappled. I see the last of the season's butterflies dancing around the zinnias as I sit here at my desk, listening to XM Radio ..the Groove...and gaze out the window.

My daughter gave me this gift of lotion yesterday. I was so delighted by it. I pondered on why..and realized it was because it was a way for her to show how she loves me. We have always had a tight bond ..and as I lay in bed and thought of the giving, lots of thoughts passed through.

Do I make a difference on Earth?? have I touched anyone in a gentle way?? Has God's love been shown through me?? Will I be remembered fondly?? It will not matter to me I don't think , but it will matter to those who love me.. and I pray I have been a good daughter, woman, wife, mother, grandmother, friend and testament of what God's love can do.
I do not fear..I am peaceful.
My eyesight is getting worse, but I am hoping for an improvement in a few days. My head is not hurting much, I do have a hard time sleeping at night without meds, but I came home today
at about 9 AM and went to bed until 1 PM.
I feel free & I am being carried around in God's hands.
I found out I am not even half way through my lifetime cap on the insurance for the cancer..RELIEF.
Nicole and the boys will be moving out Oct. 15th.. not sure how I feel about it.. I want her to have her own place but I want her here too. I pray it will all be fine.
Thank you all for your kind comments, prayers and caring. It so makes a difference. I started this blog to help others & it has helped ME so much. God is good, All the time.
Oct 15th.. I'll draw the Journal winner on Oct. 20th.


25% through brain radiation (only 15 more)

Jesus died so we would not

Marcia my BFF



the best husband I could ever be given
My son
My daughter Mercedes
The days I LOVED my career

Blue Monday

Today is Monday and Sally of Smiling Sally has invited me to join in on the fun of Blue Monday’s. I couldn’t pass up the chance to show off some of my blue pretties, so I am pleased to join in the fun.

For my first “Blue Monday”, I thought I would share a photo of a darling little blue lady figurine. I found her standing regally on a shelf in an antique shop one day and she was so dainty and lovely that I couldn’t resist bringing her home with me. She now stands on a book shelf in my blue office at home where I can see and enjoy her everyday.

Have a lovely Monday and come back for another visit soon :)


Some of my past work

a good night's sleep

waking up


washing my hair

shaving my legs

doing my housework

doing laundry

watering fleurs outside

the song of a Carolina Wren

my mom is doing SO good

autumn sun

Sunday's pot of chili

Bears football

my BFF Marcia visiting

Pictures of Hunter, my BFF Marcia and Rhea's grandson

"Today is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it"

Won't you share your joys with me??

I've made an Autumn Journal for a random winner

I had so much fun with my first “Pink Saturday” posting and I wish to send a big thank you out to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting the weekly event and for all the ladies out there who visited my blog and left such nice comments for me.

I discovered several new blogs myself and have enjoyed visiting all of them. The only one I wasn’t able to visit was the blog of a lovely lady named Judy who left a comment for me, but no link to her blog/web page. So Judy, if you come back and see this new posting, please leave me another comment with the link to your blog/web page as I would love to come visit you at yours.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll be back with another new posting in a day or two.

Pink Saturday

On this, my first "Pink Saturday" posting, I thought I would share a few photos of one of my favorite Pink tea sets. I have a large collection of teapots and teacups, but this set stands out among the rest and is one of my favorites. It is a Royal Albert teapot in the “Lady Carlyle” pattern. The vivid pink against the white and floral print is so pretty. Who can’t help but love it.

A closer view of the teapot shows even more of the fine details

I hope you enjoyed your visit today and that you will come back again soon. I would love to hear from you so that I will know that you stopped by for a visit, so please leave me a comment. In return, I shall try my best to visit all of your blogs as time allows. I know that there are many out there that I haven't discovered yet, and I am looking forward to visiting your blogs and getting a chance to know all of you.

Enjoy the weekend!

Have You Seen ???

What a treat

I received a wonderful dolly today, designed by my friend & the Holy Spirit
She is a special girl made by the hands of a special woman & friend

Earlier this week I received "Post Cards From Heaven" from my friend
Dee, tis comforting love letters from God , based on Bible verses

Thank you Fete et Fleur also for the special gifts of love
and Jettied for the awesome prim pattern


two days off from radiation
friends who pray
folks who care

Finally some stitchy pictures!

But unfortunately they aren't of my stitching but of some very nice exchanges I received this week :-)

My Halloween F&S came in the mail this Monday. My partner was Terry and this is what she stitched for me. Aren't they pretty? I've never seen this before and I love it...check out the little spider charm at the corner.

I also got another exchange on Monday, my HoE Prairie Schooler Exchange. Cathy B had my name and look at the pretty pin pillow she stitched for me...and the back...and look at all the goodies she sent me...I can't wait to stitch up that needle roll, I luv Shepherd's Bush!!! And now I have a picture that I've been meaning for the longest to share with you...I should honestly be ASHAMED that it has taken me so long to share this with you. During the summer I joined the Quaker Animal Exchange on the Quaker Inspired Blog, well Donna had my name and she stitched me Quaker Mouse and finished off into the most gorgeous quilted drawstring drawstring bag. Of course I'm never going to use it but do have it displayed in my stitchy corner. The pictures I have do the bag no justice but here it is... and here's the back... Donna I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to post a picture of this...I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful but life and my forgetfulness kept getting in the way of posting this!

Now I must go and update my exchange blogs. School is still great but stressful. All the time I thought I would have does not exist. I can't wait until I go on vacation in November so I can have at least a few days for myself, a day where I can just do nothing!!!!! Right now I go to school Mon-Thurs and then work Fri-Sun *ugh* I thought I would be able to do it (and so far I am) but jeez louise I'm tired!!

It's Thursday, Day Three

Oh my, yesterday was NOT good. I hurt so bad, lost a bit more left eye vision and couldn't eat.
My jaw swelled up on the sides by my hurt so bad..I couldn't chew at all. I talked to the doctor today and he happens with some folks, salivary glands swell..hurt and then it goes away. Well it is much better today. I was a baby yesterday. I think it's the worst I''ve felt except after surgery. Wish they'd told me to expect it. I'm taking steroids to bring the swelling down in my the headaches should get better.
My pastor, Beth came to pray with us yesterday afternoon. I started feeling better when she arrived. She's so full of love and I see Jesus shine in her face.
I have about a week, before my hair departs again. silly to worry about hair loss when your brain is being radiated..but I am. It may come back slower too. I guess I'll be wearing all my cosy cute hats again this winter.

My friend Sally came over with FOOD and her baked bread. YEAH!! I didn't have to cook.

I talked to my BFF Marcia today!! That's always a treat, talked to Church, she is so easy to talk so frankly to.

My next chore, which I have started is to find out the lifetime cap on an illness and how close am I from reaching that cap. The won't pay any claims after I hit that amount. EEEEKKK .

I've talked to the Cancer Center of America in Zion IL to see if I can get approved for an evaluation after my radiation is done. I've been saving them for a rainy day..and that day is here.

I did a bit of housework, some laundry..but Nicole did the work for me yesterday. She's been taking me to my appointments each day . 17 more to go!!!!

Tomorrow I get radiation, then on to get my Herceptin (and Zometa IV's so I'll be gone about half the day.

It is so great to read all your comments and I am slowly getting around Blog Land.

If I don't visit you quickly.. please know..I DO read EVERY post.


cool nights

`a Carolina Wren singing outside each morning before I leave for radiation

good friends

fresh Sally bread

feeling human again


Fun and cute things

It's been a few days since my last post, so I though I would drop in to say HELLO.

Over the past week, I've been busy playing with my new digital camera. I've been going through my house just taking pictures of random things that I will add to my future blog posts. For today, I will only share one of them.

I was in Michael's craft store a while ago when I found these really cute pastel colored "diaper pins" on the bridal/baby shower party favor isle.

They were so cute and I couldn't resist buying a couple of packs. They were very inexpensive and are just something fun and cute and even functional as they are actually quite sturdy. They are about 1.5 inches in size. I thought it would be fun to use them instead of paperclips when I want to keep papers attached together. They are now sitting on my desk in my office at home in small white hobnail dish where they are in easy reach whenever I need to clip something together.

I love finding odd and unusual things to use in a new way.

Enjoy the rest of your week :)

Today, Tuesday Sept 23rd

Today went fine. I am getting 20 treatments. The radiation is about 10 seconds on the right and 10 seconds on the left of my brain . The 'mask' isn't too bad since it is so QUICK. Nicole will be taking me each 8 am..and I should be done on Columbus Day.

I spoke with Cancer Center of America in Zion, IL today and will probably go for an evaluation there after my radiation is done.

I feel happy and positive tonight. I know it will get harder, but I'll face that with all my family and friends and blog friends when it comes. I'm already planning and keeping a list and a journal.

My pastor is coming to the house tomorrow to pray with me.


My friend Dee will be having chemo, but not sure when it starts or how many treatments. Seems she has to do the leg work herself. I got from doctor to doctor without making ANY phone calls. From my original mammogram to my latest was all handled for me by the professionals & their staff.

Rich, the two grandson and I all played the board game, "LIFE" ..I won..teehee

fondly, Deena

Time to take this tired body and throbbing head to bed.

And the winner is!

I used the random number genenrator and here's what I got Excuse the crappy picture but I took a picture of the screen with my iPhone but #3 is Ulla so congrats to Ulla! Ulla if you could please email me your mailing info that would be great! There's an email me link on my sidebar underneath my little picture in my completed profile.

In other news I'm playing hooky from class today but not because I want to. There's a very mean fast mosquito in my room that I can't seem to catch. Well the night before it bit my twice in my arm and last night it bit me 5 times! It bit Ana as well but thank God for heartworm prevention so I know she's ok. Now why am I staying home for mosquito bites?? Well after waking up itchy this morning at 5am I covered myself from neck to toe so it wouldn't bite me anymore thinking I was being smart. Well it out smarted me and bit me on my left eye! Now my eye is swollen and I am NOT going out like this. No way no how! I hope it goes down by tomorrow. I feel bad for this mosquito once I catch it...a quick clap between the hands is not something I'm planning for it...

Off to See the Wizard (of radiation)

I'm up and slightly painted. I took some pics of my hair. It's just long enough to need a style and just stubborn enough to do what it wants. I will let you know how today goes. It's every week day for 4-5 weeks. I hope I can drag myself around the house to do cleaning.

Today is lovely & some leaves are starting to change colors. I hope your day is blessed & thank you for all your kind comments & prayers. I do read every one . They lift me up like Angel Wings.
Please remember Dee in your prayers today as she gets her final pathology report from her surgery on Sept. 12th.
fondly, Deena



hair gel

birds singing


Oh So Sweet

Mary dear , from Isabella's Closet made this..isn't it darling??

About Me

I have headaches all the time. My vision loss really bothers me. My head pounds, I get dizzy & my hearing comes & goes. I am quite anxious about the brain radiation & surely do NOT want to be bald again. I will be glad when it is all done.
I had so thought by now I'd be all well. It will be a year on Oct . 27th that I got my diagnosis.
I know God has a plan & I do NOT feel sorry for myself. I have seen the ravages of cancer at the Cancer Center & I know I am doing good compared to others. I am NOT afraid ..God will heal me or bring me to Him. Either way I win.
Rich is very stressed, very attentive, very loving and very protective of me. I think this has been harder on him than anyone else. This has brought us SO close & I thank our Lord for that.

I just finished reading a book by Judi Picoult "Change of Heart" ..very different but I did enjoy it. On to my next book , another by Judi Picoult "Nineteen Minutes".
Rich and I did see "Burn After Reading" ..I am a Cohen brothers fan, this was not my fave movie by them, but it was enjoyable & Brad Pitt's part was a HOOT.
One of the previews played before the movie was "The Secret Lives Of Bees" with Queen Latifa & Alicia Keys & Dakota Fanning..coming in October..I can't wait!!!

thanks to all of you who are so caring.. & please remember to pray for Sandra, Dee, Cora & Michelle ..they are all battling breast cancer too. Your prayers have gotten me this far.

Saturday fun.

What a fun weekend I have been having.

First and foremost, I finally bought myself a digital camera yesterday when I went and did a little shopping after work. I had wanted one for a very long time, but just never got around to buying myself one. After creating my new blog, I figured I better hurry up and get one, so I could start sharing more photos with everyone. You'll laugh when I tell you that the camera I ended up buying is even PINK!!
I spent last night and this morning figuring out how to use it and I've been practicing by taking lots of pictures that I will be able to share with you in as time goes by.

Today, I spent even more money. I visited one of my favorite local antique malls this afternoon and came home with a really good find.
While I know it's not an antique, I found a lovely barkcloth pillow in the soft and shabby shades of pink and green that I just love. There is also a hint of purple as well some blue and cream. It is so lovely and will fit in with my living room just beautifully. I probably paid a little more for it that my budget should have allowed, but I couldn't pass up such a pretty find. I know if I had left the antique mall without it, I would have regretted it.
Isn't it lovely???

Here to is a picture of my living room. You can see from this, just how well my new pillow will fit right in.

My wish is for someday to be able to find a beautiful and affordable cream colored television cabinet, coffee table and end tables, but for now, I must live with the old brown ones that I have had for years. I'm not very handy when it comes to painting and I would be afraid of ruining them if I tried to paint them myself.

I hope you all are having as good of a weekend as I am. Until next time.


A Woman of 1,000 Faces

( Click the collage above to enlarge )
This collage is me before cancer & in the stages of treatment.

I'll post a new picture before Tuesday's brain radiation treatment

Thanks to all of you for your kind words & prayers.



the beginning of Autumn
the sound of a lawnmower
the smell of new mown grass
color changes of the leaves has begun

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I start Brain Radiation on 11 AM, every week day for 4-5 weeks.
The Gamma Knife procedure in July worked, but new cancer has appeared.
I will take a picture before, so you can see how much hair I have. I expect to lose my hair AGAIN. Please pray for good results & little brain damage
Rich and I plan to go to the movie "Burn After Reading" tomorrow and then to dinner. One last date before I feel crummy AGAIN! eeekkkk I know how chest radiation kicked my butt!!

My oldest daughter and her boys are still here and don't know when they'll be able to be out on their own . It's not bad, just an adjustment to have the grandsons here all the time & she so wants her own place's hard to go back home.

Have a great weekend, Deena


a date with hubby

a bit of hair

The Latest Doctor Report

This is NOT's someone else, but it's the mask I was fitted for today. It's plastic, heated to soften then put over your face tight to mold and cool. I can't open my eyes or move my lips while it is on. I am NOT claustrophobic , thank you Lord.

Our trip to the doctor's was not fun. I have developed 8 more tumors in my brain. Doctor says it's time to try "whole brain radiation."

"(Whole Brain Radiation Therapy
Whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) is used for treatment of multiple metastases. It is the most frequently used therapy for breast cancer brain metastases. WBRT has been shown in research studies to extend life and improve quality of life.
Seventy-five to eighty five percent of patients will experience some improvement or stabilization of their symptoms, especially headache and seizure. Motor loss (problems with walking, coordination, balance, etc.) is less successfully treated. Thirty to forty percent will achieve a complete reversal of all symptoms. Whole brain radiation can also be used after surgery or radiosurgery to help prevent new metastases from developing in other areas of the brain. Sometimes, chemotherapy will be held during treatment because some drugs given at the same time as radiation can increase the side effects of radiation
The possible immediate side effects of whole brain radiation are fatigue, temporary alopecia (baldness), dermatitis (skin rash), and otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear), and hearing loss due to fluid and/or wax build up in the ears.
Long-term side effects begin to occur in six months to two years. They include deficits in cognition (understanding) and memory losses, urinary and bowel incontinence (difficulties with controlling bladder or bowel) and cerebellar dysfunction (lack of coordination). Radiation doses given over a longer period of time lessen side effects. Some doctors will give a lower dose of radiation to women whose cancer outside the brain is well controlled to lessen long-range toxicity.)

I will be doing 4-5 weeks of 5 days a week radiation. I will probably have short term memory loss. I currently have some loss of peripheral vision which may come back as it is not eye damage but pressure on the brain.

do I REALLY want this?? I don't want to, but I will for my family.
Alas..I did cry..I wonder, will they( the brain tumors) keep coming back??

Please pray for good results..for my friends who have cancer , for my family, for my mother who has been very ill in Florida, since my dad passed away the first part of August. She's in the hospital now, but is scheduled to be released to a Nursing Home on Friday.. She can't live alone anymore ...WAAAAAAHHH
I am not up to losing another parent ..

I'm tired, going to get lots of water to drink, a shower and then bed.

love to you all, Deena
a wonderful husband
a cozy bed
being a stay at home wife

Tea Time

The coming change of seasons with the departure of the hot and humid days of summer to the arrival of the cool and crisp fall air is something that I find myself looking forward to, as it allows me to more fully enjoy one of my favorite and largest collections and that would be my collection of teapots and teacups.

I began my collection of “Tea Things” over 20 years ago and since then, it has taken on a life of its own. For who can wonder through a quaint little antique shop or even a local discount store and see a lovely teapot or teacup and not want to take it home to set it on a shelf amidst the many others you already own.

My extensive collection of teapots, teacups and small desert plates is a veritable garden of roses with each teapot, teacup or plate being covered with roses of different varieties and colors. Several of the teapots having matching sets of teacups and desert plates, and some do not. In focusing my collection to mostly rose patterned china, it allows me to mix and match many of my pieces when I sit down for a solitary pot of tea and maybe a plate of cookies or hot scones just taken from the oven.

My collection of tea things fills a small china hutch in my dining room, an entire cupboard in my kitchen and there are many pieces scattered throughout my home on shelves and tables. This photo shows just a small portion of my collection. In the coming days and weeks I will be able to share more photos with you, but sadly at the moment, my ability to share photos with all of my new visitors is quite limit as I unfortunately do not have a digital camera yet and must rely only my old 35mm camera for the moment. I ask for your patience and understanding until that time.

Many years ago, I discovered a quick and easy recipe for scones. They are delicious and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. This recipe makes approximately 10-12 scones.


2 cups flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
5 Tbsp unsalted butter
4 Tbsp sugar
¾ Cup Frozen Non-Diary Creamer (thawed).
½ Cup white baking chips

Pre-Heat oven to 450 degrees.

In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Cube and cut in the butter with a pastry blender or fork until the size of small peas. Stir in the 4 Tbsp sugar and baking chips. Pour in the Non-Dairy Cream and stir by hand just until the dough is formed. Do not over-mix. Drop approx ¼ cup of the dough onto a cookie sheet (just like you would if you were baking cookies).

Sprinkle lightly with sugar and bake for 10-12 minutes. Serve warm from the oven with a pot of your favorite tea.
Wishing you all a happy and lovely day!!

A quick (I think) hello :)

I tried to post from my phone yesterday but for some reason had problems in doing so, so here I am saying hello! I've been wanting to blog for the past week (not much has happened) but with school starting I haven't been able to find blog time in my schedule. Since it's the second week of school I'm finding more "me" time so I can post a quick post. I love school although I have to take this Health class which is totally a waste of my time. I feel bad for saying this but the instructor who teaches it is a big ditz with a capital DITZ. Yesterday someone asked about narcolepsy and she says "oh yeah that's like when you're sitting down eating and suddenly fall asleep." In my head I'm like no...that's a scene in Deuce Bigelow. And the cure for everything is "like eating healthy and exercising." Nursing students don't have to take this class so I didn't take it before but other major students do so I'm forced to sit through it if I want to graduate.

I've been stitching...I made sure to find time for that because I have many exchanges to stitch for and *happy dance* I just finished stitching one so that's 2 down 2 more to go. :) I'm going to try and update later on with snippet pictures of what I've stitched so that way my blog isn't "naked." I'm almost ready to start my BIG blog give away! I'm so excited about it that I want to start it now but must wait...or do I? I guess I don't soooooooo if you would like to win this magazine (for those that didn't run out and buy it) leave a comment and I'll draw a name next week Tuesday to see who wins it! Contest is open to EVERYONE no matter where you live so please leave a comment. You never know what may be inside the envelope with the magazine :-) More to come in October!

Edited: Thanks for the comment Shelleen :-) I know that about narcolepsy but my instructor made it seem like it could only happen when you were eating. Trust me she really is a something special whenever someone gives her an example on how to improve your life that's not eating healthy and exercising you can see in her face that it's something she's never thought of. She reads straight from the book and when asked to clarify something she just repeats what the book says. I'm sometimes tempted to ask her to put it in her own words to see if she can...

My friend Sandra

Remember Sandra,one of my friends who always has breast cancer?? She SO needs your prayers. Please pray for her , as she is going through some very hard life changes..
Her chemo is done.
This life can be so hard.

I've Gone and Done It!!

I’ve Gone and Done It!!

I’ve taken the leap and jumped into the world of blogging. This is the first of what I hope will be many blog posts in which I will be able to share with you things about myself, my life, and my interests in collecting, antiquing and decorating my home. For now, things will start out a little slow while I learn more about the art of blogging, but as more time goes by, the posts will become more frequent and I will be able to add more and more photos to share with you.

To give you a little background information about me, my name is Kim and I am a single 41 year old female living in a townhouse in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. My favorite hobby is browsing the antique malls and discount stores to find shabby, pink and pretty things to decorate my home with. Hense, the name of my blog. I describe my decorating style as “cottage meets shabby chic”. My favorite colors are robins egg blue, butter yellow, cream, sea foam green, and of course PINK!! Think of Easter colors and you’ll have a fairly good idea of my favorite color palate.

I enjoy collecting pretty rose patterned china, including teapots, teacups, desert plates and sugar and creamer sets, vintage tablecloths, vintage tea towels, crocheted potholders and hot pads, and much more. As more time goes by and I am able to, I will begin adding more photos to my blog to share some of my favorite items and collections with you.

This is the first and only photo that I will share with you today, but it will give you a general idea of my decorating style and what my home look like. This is a partial view of my living room and dining area. The living room walls are painted a coffee cream color and the dining room walls are painted the prettiest pale yellow color. The arched doorway and windows are highlighted with a pale spring green to accent the arches. The arched doorways (there are actually two) and windows are the first thing that made me fall in love with my townhouse when I first saw it nearly six years ago.

Please come back and visit again and do what you can to share my blog with others!!


Dee Is Home

I heard from my friend Dee tonight. She is home, minus both her breasts and with no surgery complications.

She will get the pathology report on Thursday, please continue to pray that all the cancer has been removed

I'll be hosting a Blog Autumn Open House, check back for details
fondly, Deena

A Background & Hallow's Eve Graphic

copyright free
fondly, Deena

A SweetAnnee (me) wreath from a Homespun Heart pattern

A bit of Nature & Doctors Appointment

Road side wildflowers in blue

Where I stole an apple YUMMY
Open Space Project , I saw about 15 bluebirds here on the fence Sunday

Our Little Nestle in the Singing Woods, shutters are ALL painted finally

I've been trying to take a walk each day. The two days it rained all day, I stayed in. Today is such a lovely day, I set out with my NEW camera. ( I used my Best Buy Rewards to get it after the doctors yesterday)

Yesterday was my plastic surgeon appt. I will get the rest of my reconstruction surgery on Nov. outpatient procedure, but I will be asleep. I'm excited about getting it all over with.

This coming Monday the 15th, I have another head MRI. I will find out those results on Wednesday afternoon the 17th. Even though I'm on the road to recovery, I still need your prayers.
I 'd like to ask for prayers for my friend Dee who is having a bi -lateral mastectomy , this Friday , Sept 12th, she is very anxious about it and needs some peace in her life. I know how much your prayers helped me, so thank you for praying for her.

Life continues to be a bit hectic with all of us here, but I must say, each day I seem to feel better and stronger, despite the hub bub..



juicy apples on the roadside tree

my new camera

the bluejays chattering

my Walk to Emmaus friends visited last evening

presents in the mail

Today is God's Gift

My Sweet Friend

gave me this  Loveable Blog award. 

She's the sweetest young lady.
I'd like to pass this on to 


love to you all
pass it on.



A friend like Chelsea

A rainy day

Making cool signs online
