It's Thursday, Day Three

Oh my, yesterday was NOT good. I hurt so bad, lost a bit more left eye vision and couldn't eat.
My jaw swelled up on the sides by my hurt so bad..I couldn't chew at all. I talked to the doctor today and he happens with some folks, salivary glands swell..hurt and then it goes away. Well it is much better today. I was a baby yesterday. I think it's the worst I''ve felt except after surgery. Wish they'd told me to expect it. I'm taking steroids to bring the swelling down in my the headaches should get better.
My pastor, Beth came to pray with us yesterday afternoon. I started feeling better when she arrived. She's so full of love and I see Jesus shine in her face.
I have about a week, before my hair departs again. silly to worry about hair loss when your brain is being radiated..but I am. It may come back slower too. I guess I'll be wearing all my cosy cute hats again this winter.

My friend Sally came over with FOOD and her baked bread. YEAH!! I didn't have to cook.

I talked to my BFF Marcia today!! That's always a treat, talked to Church, she is so easy to talk so frankly to.

My next chore, which I have started is to find out the lifetime cap on an illness and how close am I from reaching that cap. The won't pay any claims after I hit that amount. EEEEKKK .

I've talked to the Cancer Center of America in Zion IL to see if I can get approved for an evaluation after my radiation is done. I've been saving them for a rainy day..and that day is here.

I did a bit of housework, some laundry..but Nicole did the work for me yesterday. She's been taking me to my appointments each day . 17 more to go!!!!

Tomorrow I get radiation, then on to get my Herceptin (and Zometa IV's so I'll be gone about half the day.

It is so great to read all your comments and I am slowly getting around Blog Land.

If I don't visit you quickly.. please know..I DO read EVERY post.


cool nights

`a Carolina Wren singing outside each morning before I leave for radiation

good friends

fresh Sally bread

feeling human again



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