Bad Medicine

I got some steroids to help with my edema in the brain. The swelling around
causes the headaches, sight loss and hearing loss , plus ringing in the ears.

This drug is wicked.. I can barely eat anything without getting ill.

[edit]Side effect If dexamethasone is given orally or by injection (parenteral) over a period of more than a few days, side-effects common to systemic glucocorticoids may occur. These may include:

  • Stomach upset, increased sensitivity to stomach acid to the point of ulceration of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
  • Increased appetite leading to significant weight gain
  • A latent diabetes mellitus often becomes manifest. Glucose intolerance is worsened in patients with preexisting diabetes.
  • Immunsuppressant action, particularly if given together with other immunosuppressants such as ciclosporine. Bacterial, viral, and fungal disease may progress more easily and can become life-threatening. Fever as a warning symptom is often suppressed.
  • Psychiatric disturbances, including personality changes, irritability, euphoria, mania
  • Osteoporosis under long term treatment, pathologic fractures (e.g., hip)
  • Muscle atrophy, negative protein balance (catabolism)
  • Elevated liver enzymes, fatty liver degeneration (usually reversible)
  • Cushingoid (syndrome resembling hyperactive adrenal cortex with increase in adiposity, hypertension, bone demineralization, etc.)
  • Depression of the adrenal gland is usually seen, if more than 1.5 mg daily are given for more than three weeks to a month.
  • Hypertension, fluid and sodium retention, edema, worsening of heart insufficiency (due to mineral corticoid activity)
  • Dependence with withdrawal syndrome is frequently seen.
  • Increased intraocular pressure, certain types of glaucoma, cataract (serious clouding of eye lenses)
  • Dermatologic: Acne, allergic dermatitis, dry scaly skin, ecchymoses and petechiae, erythema, impaired wound-healing, increased sweating, rash, striae, suppression of reactions to skin tests, thin fragile skin, thinning scalp hair, urticaria.
  • Allergic reactions (though infrequently): Anaphylactoid reaction, anaphylaxis, angioedema.

Other side-effects have been noted, and should cause concern if they are more than mild.

The short time treatment for allergic reaction, shock, and diagnostic purposes usually does not cause serious side effects.

I can't take this drug anymore. My stomach feels like acid is eating me up and I'd rather have
a headache for now than all the side effects.

It's strong and addicting and I am done with it. To me the treatment is worse than the
disease.. Ugly drug.

Happy Saturday.............

Hi Girls and Happy Happy Saturday to you all. I hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. It feels good for me to finally be able to sit and relax for a bit after a busy and stressful week and try and catch up on some blogging.

I would first like to send out a big Thank You to all of you wonderful ladies who left me such kind comments wishing my Mom a speeding recovery after she fell last weekend and broke her hip and undergoing surgery on Sunday morning.

You will be happy to hear that she is doing extremely well and was able to come home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. As can be expected, she still has very limited mobility at this time but she is able to get around quite well with her walker and things will get better for her each day as she gets her strength back and as her hip heals. For another week at least she will need to have someone with her 24 hours a day so my older sister and I have arranged our work schedules so that one of us with be with her all day next week and at the same time babysitting my nieces and nephew which my Mom normally does. Taking care of Mom is the easy part. Trying to keep two 5 1/2 year olds entertained all day is a whole other story. That's going to be the big challenge . I'll manage though as I've done it before in the past.

Now, on to something pretty of course. Can't do a blog post without that can I?

Last summer at one of the occasional sales I went to, I found this sweet wicker shelf that is supposed to be for hanging on the wall, but I had a small stand in my living room that I thought would work perfectly for setting the shelf on instead to use for displaying some of my different collections. What's fun about this is that it's easy to change up just by replacing the items being displayed. Let's me play house so to speak. At the moment, it's filled with some of my collection of pinks and roses.

Don't you just love the darling "Rose Cottage" sign? I purchased this one and two similar signs from Sandi at Wayside Treasures ( quite a while ago but I don't think I ever showed them to you. Sandi, if you're reading this post, just wanted to say thanks for creating these lovely signs that are so perfect for my style of decorating. I love them!!!

Well, that's all for today girls. I'm off to my nieces basketball game this morning and then I'm going to stop by my Mom's for a visit to see how she is doing today. I'll try and get by to visit everyone's blogs sometime over the weekend.

See you soon!!

Upcoming DIY project - My Home Office

I've always felt that re-designing a space in your home can bring about inspiration, especially work-related.  So, that is why I've decided to revamp my home office!  After noticing so many pretty Parsons Desks on other blogs,  I decided to go for it!  I took my butt straight to West Elm & went crazy shopping.....told the salesgirl, " 2 desks, 1 lamp, 3 storage bins..." and so on!

Here is my DIY list:
  • Painting all the walls white (current color, 'Mercer' by Ralph Lauren Home)
  • Adding this Graham & Brown wallpaper to one or two walls
  • Removing the yellow and white Urban Outfitters sofa & placing it elsewhere
  • De-cluttering the walls and adding less to each area
  • Removing all shelves and keeping only a few
  • Placing more items into bins and closed storage
  • framing some of my press pages & hanging them (finally)!
I'm sure the list will be longer as I move along this DIY (home office) project.....but for now this is where I am at. For those of you who aren't familiar with my home office, you can find photos here.

images above: 

Enjoy the weekend! 

A Great Source for Cancer Patients

We have a great organization here in Peoria, IL
for cancer patients and their families and caregivers.
It's the Cancer Center for Healthy Living
They offer SO many services and they really are compassionate
with all of us.
It's everything from support groups , library services, massage, exercise & more
It's services are either free or so very reasonable most patients can afford.
I believe an hour massage is 25.00.. and done by a professional.

If you are in the area of Peoria, please check them out. If not, get with
your public officials , other patients, doctors and anyone you know
and try to form a new Not for Profit. It's so worth it.

Plenty of LOVE to go around...

Looking for something sweeeet this Valentine's day? Maybe for yourself, your guy or your girlfriend? Below are some pretty selections to consider!  

7. dedee 
8. simag

Tasty, Yummy Helvetica.....

Let's get real....I'm not much of a baker, but I DO know how to make cookies & cupcakes. However, adding some creativity to the mix just makes it all the more fun! For all of you typography fans like myself, these Helvetica cookie cutters (by Beverly Hsu) are such a neat & fun way to bake cookies. I can see these being a hit at an office gathering or even at a kid's party. Via Coolist.

Do you like typography?? Where would you use something like this??

A Rough Couple of Days

In a sunny mood today
even if it is cold

Tuesday evening I started getting ill. I was up all night in and out
of the bathroom..till about 5 AM . Then I slept and laid in bed all day.
Felt like I'd NEVER eat again..UGH.

Last night I had a wicked headache..but slept good and woke up refreshed.
I am planning on going to the movie "The Lovely Bones" today with a
friend. We both read the book a few years ago. If you haven't read it, I
recommend it.

So glad I feel better. My ribs hurt from throwing up so much.
Remember all those in need of prayer .
There are MANY!!
Let me know how you are doing.

Isabella & Max Rooms....Home Tour

Janell Beals, author of the Isabella & Max Rooms blog is now one of my favorite 'go-to" blogs.  I have fallen in LOVE with her amazing home & all her DIY projects. I SWEAR, I think I went through every single page on her blog....and absolutely loved it!  She was kind enough to let me share her home with all of you. Even though I dream of living in a modern, high-rise apt., her house is definitely dreamy! My favorite is the kitchen & the large canvas her daughter painted...!

So, what do you think of her home & the way she displays her children's art? Clever no?!


images: Janell Beals

all me CRAZY, but I love drop caps!

A few of my favorite things..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Like Chocolate Cadbury Roses....wallpaper

After spotting this Macintosh Rose Wallpaper via 'Everything I love' blog.....I knew I wanted to purchase it!  Soooo, I headed to the  Graham & Brown site & there it was!  I love the simplicity of the lines on this paper (like illustrations) & the little designs are like Cadbury roses, too cute!  Oh yea, & the price was very affordable too....super duper plus! Not sure where this paper will be going just yet....but I'm sure you'll know at some point. 

images top: Amy Furstenau

image bottom: Graham & Brown

The song we danced to at our Wedding...

Some of you may recognize this tune......sit back, relax & enjoy!

Video: You Tube

They're back (Love Candy Prints) in other colors!

I've gotten so many emails from people asking about our popular Love Candy prints in other colors. Well, surprise!  We looked through our inventory & found a few of each of the colors below! They are NOW available via my ETSY shop on a first come, first serve basis. 

The best part is they'll be on SALE for only $20 (normally $25)!! Limited quantities of each, so hurry & get yours now!    NOTE: If you do not see a color available pls email me, I may have forgotten to add it back up onto Etsy.

via my MadeByGirl Etsy Shop

image top: Mademoiselle Frou-Frou

image bottom: by Jen Ramos

Quick Update...

Hi Everyone..

Just doing a quick post today to share an update with you on my Mom who as I mentioned in my previous post fell on her icy driveway Saturday and broke her left hip.

Her Surgery on Sunday morning went great. She had broken the ball of her left hip so they replaced that as well as her hip socket as the surgeon said most patients tend to do much better after surgery if they replace both at the same time. For the rest of the day Sunday she was pretty tired from the Anesthesia but did very well otherwise.

Today she's doing even better. They've had her up and out of bed, walking the hall this morning with the physical therapist and now she is able to sit in a chair in her room and not lay in her bed all day. She'll have more physical therapy tomorrow and an occupational therapist will also see her tomorrow to teach her things about dressing, bathing and all that fun stuff we tend to take for granted when we don't have broken bones and limited mobility.

It's looking like she'll be discharged on Wednesday and from what it sounds like, she's doing so well that the doctor doesn't think she'll need to go to a rehab center and that she'll be able to go straight home. Hallelujah!!

She'll still need some physical therapy for awhile, but I think they are going to arrange for that to be done at home through a Home Heath Care agency. That will make it much easier for all of us.

Not much else to report for now. I'm exhausted after the stress of these past few days, not sleeping well and having had to work today, so I'm just gonna veg out in front of the TV tonight and do nothing else. I'll try and post again later this week with something more interesting that an update on my Mom.

Have a great week and if it's icy where you are, BE CAREFUL and don't go falling on the ice like my Mom did.

BOLIG Magazine....not all white walls

Hello everyone! So.....I saw this home via Bolig Magazine & instantly thought, "wow a foreign home with more than a couple dark walls....interesting!"  I usually see lots of white in foreign magazines, white walls, white floors and white furniture. I like the few dark walls throughout this home, gives it a more modern edge. Via Bolig.

Monday Flowers from my Husband...

image: Jen Ramos of Made By Girl

Cyanaa - ART, a mouse click away....

CYANAA  is a Contemporary Art shopping website.  It's sort-of-like Manhattan’s Chelsea art district at a mouse click. If you're like me & collect art (for my future dream home) this is a great site to go ART shopping!  Take a peek (below) at some of the art work featured on their site. For more go here.